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But if youre playing to win in as few guesses as possible, its best to play a word that has two vowels and three consonants: All of the top 10 have two vowels. No, then skip. After receiving the results from the previous guess, the program filtered down the possible words to those that meet the criteria. The longest words that contain no vowel and no y are crwth (a Celtic stringed instrument), cwtch (a shed, cuddle, or hiding place), phpht (an expression of mild irritation), and grrrl (part of the phrase riot girl, which describes a subculture that mixes feminism and punk rock). These The Most Consonants Regardless Of Length In a hurry? There are a few double letters that sit at the end of words: fall, less, watt and buzz. Then skip*/, /*bump the number of consonants so far. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. Words With The Most Consonants List BEGUINE Players can have different approaches. An example word that can be made from these top Wordle letters is "arose". U.S. state starting with a vowel and ending with a consonant Crossword The best 5 letter words for Wordle with lots of vowels Best 5 Letter Start Words For Wordle When you know your consonant words, you have many more options to add to your word list. Queue. Others try to do it in as a few guesses as possible. case (lower/upper/mixed) the words are in, the search for the words is caseless. // Returns number of consonants in the word if they are all unique, {Count the number of unique consonants in a word}, {Uses TStringList capabilities to do this}, {Function used to sort words by consonant count}, {Consonant count stored in the object parts of the string list}, {Item used to keep track of the range of }, { word that have the same consonant count}, {Store the word with the count casts as an object}, {Get the start and stop of words /c same # of consonants}, {If the count has changed, add new range variable}, // Word(s) containing most consonants. Other tasks related to string operations: Find words which contain the most consonants, words: read.lines relative "unixdict.txt", if?

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