I asked the director of the JFK Museum if it was still used by the Kennedys and he said no. Like Hyde Park for the Roosevelts or Quincy for the Adamses, if you want to really understand Joseph and Rose Kennedy, President Kennedy and his brothers and sisters, and their families, you will have to go to Hyannis Port, said Beschloss. It was at this home that the family learned the lesson that shaped their lives, which is that each of us can make a difference and all of us should try. Through innovative, participatory educational programs, the EMK Institute will engage the public in political debate by bringing them inside the legislative process. Specifically, it is expected that the main house will host selected educational seminars and forums organized by the EMK Institute. We hoped it would help inspire future generations of Americans to be involved and make a difference as well. 28 Marchant Ave, Hyannis, MA 02601 is a studio apartment. 11 Marchant Ave is currently priced at $4,510,000. Made my day. In addition, it is expected that the property will also host programs on behalf of other institutions. This property is not currently available for sale. Current homes in Hyannis Port. Joseph P. Kennedy purchased the home at 50 Marchand Ave. in 1928. Police say the vandalism is under investigation. Historic Kennedy Home in Hyannis Port Gifted to the Edward M. Kennedy "This special home and the family of Joseph P. and Rose Kennedy were at the center of many memorable events in the history of our country. Specifically, it is expected that the main house will host selected educational seminars and forums organized by the EMK Institute. 11 Marchant Ave, West Hyannisport, MA 02647 | realtor.com The Kennedys are connected to Hyannis Port more than to any other place, dating to family patriarch Joseph P. Kennedy's purchase of a home on Marchant Avenue in 1928. U.S. National Register of Historic Places, successful 1960 U.S. presidential campaign, Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, List of National Historic Landmarks in Massachusetts, List of residences of presidents of the United States, National Register of Historic Places listings in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, "Kennedy Compound to Be Converted to Museum Sen. Edward Kennedy Succumbed to Brain Cancer at the Compound Tuesday Night and the Family Held a Private Mass for the Legendary Senator Thursday Morning", "Main House At Kennedy Compound Given To Institute", "Granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy Dies After Overdose at Family's Compound", "Saoirse Kennedy Hill, a granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy, dead after being found unresponsive at family compound", "A Harbor Full of History and Sea Lore on Cape Cod", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kennedy_Compound&oldid=1147134321, This page was last edited on 29 March 2023, at 01:49. AAA Travel Guides - Hyannis, MA - American Automobile Association Tickets are now on sale for 28 Marchant Avenue and the rest of the 5-play festival at beautifulsoup.showclix.com.