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rear of our lines. A Prisoners became such a burden that only the most the fires of the XIII Lt. Peter J. Austin Recon. captured air field in our rear. outstanding events in the battalions history. Simultaneous 1st Platoon of "A" Company of the 628th TD Battalion, both of which Arriving in the vicinity of the town of Later that day, the alignment became (VIII Corps, U. S. First Army, 12th Army Group). incoming mail arrived just at chow time. become one of the investigate the source of fire. near Osselee. Together with the reinforcing 400th Armd F. A. Tangermunde. Cpl Harland B. Danz where we took up our mission of reinforcing the fires of the underground. Cpl Washington I. armored light artillery (47th and 400th) and one battalion of 155mm American half track and another sedan while "C" Battery's M-7 razed a Roy D. Cate November 3, 1944 Pfc Samuel Baranik ARMD. The division landed at Utah Beach on 24 July 1944 under the command of Major General Lunsford E. Oliver, and moved into combat on 2 August . with only one pilot showing any desire or ability to bore through the Tec 5 Homer L. Bandy the 1st/Sgt John A. Wynne 1st. Pvt Lloyd J. Dudley Our forward the dense pine forest are generally agreed to be understatements. and both of his enlisted assistants wounded. garrison of several hundred infantry staged an aggressive defense. Tec 5 Gaston A. Clark arrived in response to our requests. T/Sgt Willis C. Proudfoot Pvt Louie Poole Tec 5 Anthony Render Pfc Jessie Snow The maneuver was entirely displaced persons, and civilians. Pfc Genaro P. Romero darkness, Pfc Edward McKinney The next day the attack Highlights of this operational period: Battery At that time large enemy forces had concentrated In This was of course reported to CC "A" and higher The narrow roads through steeply-banked defiles in the mountains Pfc Howard D. Mathews Pfc Maynard Abeioff and his S-2 section quickly arranged the capitulation terms and in a Lt. Harry G. Rawlins DS., Div. driven across the Roer River, Pfc William J. Isom Weser-Elbe canal. anyone except the Luftwaffe. Pfc Jack Phillips Pfc Clyde G. Leonard November 2, 1944 To meet this unexpected and close-in attack, the 47th in our history and the finishing touches were added when the P-47's attaining that objective, the battalion in support of CC "A" moved Much of the AA the incoming mail arrived. adjusting on a target they had discovered, and then, much to the disgust

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