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Idols Are Destroyed 31 Now when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went out to the cities of Judah, broke the memorial stones in pieces, cut down the [ a]Asherim and pulled down the high places and the altars throughout Judah and Benjamin, as well as in Ephraim and Manasseh, until [ b]they had destroyed them all. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! Intuitive attachment to our inherited traditions is common to all people, regardless of education. idols of any kind. Haran is the son of Terah, brother of Abraham, and the father of Lot. Said he, Father, I did not do anything to them, they quarreled among themselves and went to work fighting and knocked one another down, broke one anothers heads and knocked off one anothers arms and legs. Oh, said his father, my sons do not tell me anything of that kind, for they are made of wood and they could not move or stir from their place nor knock one another down; it has been some other agency that has done it. Why, father, said he, would you worship a being that could not stir or move, that had hands and could not handle, that had legs and could not walk, a mouth that could not speak, and a head and it was of no use? From whence sprang the suggestion to interpret the Torah against the way it has been read? (For instance, not to say that God uses rational and beneficent thinking. [17] Is it surprising that Gods narrative is the story of humanity writ large? Last edited on 18 February 2023, at 01:39,, This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 01:39. According to this second phrasing, the events described in the Torah are part of Gods narrative; whether this narrative has a basis in historical fact doesnt matter. My thanks to Hillel ben-Sasson for sharpening this point. 17 And Abram said, As the Lord liveth these images shall not remain in my fathers house; so shall the Lord who created me do unto me if in three days time I do not break them all. 15 Bible Verses about Idolatry & The Dangers of Idols - Bible Study Tools Regarding this, seePinkasei Ha-Raayahvol. Child sacrifice was one reason for the Babylonian captivity (verse 36). script>. He is the father of three children including the Patriarch Abraham. He was looking forward.

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