View Addison County Sheriff home page, including hours, phone number, and address. Like all people charged with crimes, Sheriff Newton deserves a presumption of innocence. Addison County Sheriff Website In Middlebury Criminal Courts, the government prosecutes a case against parties accused of breaking the law. Newton, 50, was taken into custody Tuesday morning while conducting contractor work at a construction job site in Middlebury, according to a state police press release. Find Addison County, Vermont criminal records by name, DOB, and address. eFiling is required for attorneys for filing in eCourts counties. View Middlebury Police Department general information including news, personnel lists, employment opportunities and contact information. To learn more, click the following link: Do not sell my info. 64 Main Street Newton has repeatedly posted on his Facebook page in recent weeks about a contracting business he started and planned to continue operating after his term as sheriff expires at the end of January 2023. Vermont Legal Aid provides free civil legal services to low-income, senior, and disabled residents. A status conference was set for a later date. The file is sent to the Supreme Court computer where it is compiled into a court calendar and put on the State of Vermont web server at 3:30 A.M. To view a calendar, choose a county or court and select the court division (if applicable). The people of Vermont will have trust and confidence in the Vermont state courts because the courts are fair, impartial, accessible, responsive, consistent, free of discrimination, independent, and well-managed. ADDISON COUNTY In recent activity in Addison Superior Court Criminal Division (except where noted), the following took place: Benjamin J. Adams, 32, of Salisbury pleaded guilty to Oct. 19 charges of violation of an abuse prevention order and driving with a suspended license, and was sentenced to 9-12 months, suspended, and was fined $147. Daily Court Calendar for 04-28-2023 last updated at 01:30 AM. Locations, contacts, and descriptions of available services are included. Court Hearings | Vermont Judiciary 05402, 32 Cherry St. , Suite 300, Burlington, VT Privacy Policy Alec Morse, 22, of Bristol pleaded guilty to a June 13 charge of aggravated sexual assault on a victim less than 13 years. Addison, If convicted of the charges against him, Newton faces up to life in prison. Asked how he intended to continue serving in that role, Newton smiled and waved at reporters as he boarded an elevator and the doors closed. Assisted MREMS on a medical call in East Middlebury on April 23. The 10-page filing outlined the allegations against Newton and described the woman he is charged with assaulting as fearful of coming forward because of his high-ranking law enforcement position.
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