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With no electrical system, youll need to brush up on your hand-propping technique. Aeronca Chief? - Backcountry Pilot 1946 Aeronca Champ Restoration - YouTube A complete electrical system might require a field approval, but you need to study the definition of major alteration carefully. Reaching the carb heat knob from the front seat can be awkward and easily overlooked since its out of sight. The going rate for an average-condition Champ today is nearly double what the airplane was going for in 1992. for approved maneuvers. gA r i a l 1 * g M S S a n s S e r i f 1 * $ g M S S a n s S e r i f "$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)! Theres a certain romance tagging along with a rag-and-tube two-seater thats left over from the post-World War II heyday. Gross weight (lbs. "I never go above 1,000 feet and fly outside of airspace where radios are needed. The Hanlon mufflers do improve the heating, however. This Equipment List and Weight and Balance were shared by a Tri-Champ owner (who interestingly bought his airplane to convert it to a 7EC, but then decided not to, he thus remains anonymous.) Aeronca 7AC Champion The derivative Citabria designs models 7ECA, 7GCAA, 7GCBC, and 7KCAB are discussed in a separate article, as is the twin-engined 402 Lancer. None of the planes had self-starters or radios. As an economical postwar rival to the Piper Cub (which it largely improved upon), the Champ was popular with training schools who were training veterans returning from World War II, by the thousands, with government funding through the G.I. Bolt Diameter: 3/8 inch. Home. Aircraft Specification A-759 2011, p. 1 and p. 23. AERONCA 7AC SPECIFICATIONS AND PERFORMANCE AIRSPEEDS WEIGHT AND BALANCE Normal Takeoff 45 mph Datum Line: Leading Edge of Wing Normal Climb 55 mph Forward Limit 14.10 inches Best Angle of Climb 48 mph Aft Limit 15.00 inches Best Rate of Climb 60 mph Empty Weight 710 lbs Max Maneuvering 74 mph Max Takeoff Weight 1,220 lbs PERFORMANCE: Top speed (mph): 102. The Citabria-like aluminum landing gear which Szego says is easier to maintain did not need to be as heavy and robust as the gear used on the Citabria. Aircraft Specification A-759 2011, p. 6 and p. 23. Between 1946 and 1947, Aeronca was producing an average 30 light aircraft per day (peaking at 50 per day at one point). That can be said of the new Champ, as well.\, See the original article: However, while the J-3 model of the Cub is flown solo from the rear seat, the Champ can be soloed from the front, giving improved forward visibility, particularly on the ground and during takeoffs, landings, and climbs. If you fly a Champ in cold weather regions, youd better dress for the occasion as the heater is essentially useless. Takeoff is straightforward and Champs low wing loading makes dealing with short fields childs play. Aircraft Specification A-759 2011, pp. Cessna 120, 140 and 170 Series. In 1971, Bellanca introduced the 7ACA version of the Champ as a more basic complement to their other designs, as the least expensive, and lowest-performance, commercially produced light plane on the market at the time. Wheels replaceable by twin float undercarriage.

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