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0000023404 00000 n kVf#:Sd%*1^(rU^#}5t0 L0KC|*oDg:6_ "6~ Transfer shares to your broker via the transfer process (see FAQ "Ownership Questions"). The next best way to talk to their customer support team , according to other AFLAC customers, is by calling their 800-366-3436 phone number for their Claims Department department. writing through the virtual meeting platform. endstream endobj startxref In some cases additional documents will be required to complete the transfer. The current consensus EPS estimate is $1.40 on $4.58 billion in revenues for the coming quarter and $5.59 on $18.35 billion in revenues for the current fiscal year. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items. PDF Notice of Upcoming Change Regarding Aflac Incorporated Transfer Agent IMPORTANT: You must be able to provide the name of the security, the certificate number(s), the name of the registered owner(s), and the number of shares in all communications. 1947 Wynnton Rd Columbus GA 31906. Aflac (AFL) Rewards Shareholders With 17.9% Dividend Hike The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) entitles transfer agents and corporate issuers to receive signature guarantees to protect them against fraudulent and unauthorized transfers. Please reset your password by clicking, 2023 Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. |. Email. Some plans do require that investors own a minimum number of shares prior to participating in a plan. Aflac Medicare Supplement insurance coverage is underwritten by Tier One Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Aflac Incorporated, and is administered by Aetna Life Insurance Company. 7u2S#aKNi hqSM}/ #K](BOe62[u.\4q=J_2? width: 75px;" href=""> latest version of IE. 0000002799 00000 n By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

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