Call our travel agent today to book your corporate travel, vacation & more! Obtain promo code through your IATA account for a 20% off discount. Click here for more info. If they meet the age and drivers license requirements they are automatically authorized to drive the vehicle for free. Hit register now to begin this process. Discount is up to 30% off for North America and up to 20% off for the UK, Ireland, Germany, France and Spain; discount varies by car type and rental location. ALAMO-Agent Offers You are absolutely right! Hello, I rented a car from your website on 25th of October for my vacation in LA. Regards Gert. Little Cornard - Wikipedia A spouse or domestic partner is the only permitted additional driver on a rental secured with a debit card. Policies |. In order to be eligible for an IATA/IATAN card, an agent must work for an IATA-accredited travel agency. In the case of using Online Check-In in conjunction with Pay Now, a cancellation fee may be applied. (as KLM Airline staff). I am planning a vacation trip in USA (Miami and Orlando) and I need to rent a car with 7 seats. The Higgins Hotel in New Orleans, adjacent to the National World War II museum, offers travel agents anywhere between 20-50% off the prevailing room rate. Get competitive GPS Inclusive rates across North America with Alamo Rent A Car. Save time at the counter with online check-in, or skip the counter with self-serve kiosks available at more than 80 US locations. 2022 Enterprise Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved. This is the secret deal everybody is talking about en route! The cancellation policies of Alamo apply. I am an admin for a nationally touring music band. And with the same benefits you have with Alamo ??? Government & Military Car Rental Program - Alamo Rent a Car Sign up for our agents program and receive a commission up to 15%. Great discounts for UK, Europe & rest of the world. Alamo commissions are disbursed twice monthly following the completion of the rental. which I did not get. Check your Terms & Conditions to confirm Alamo's rates for your itinerary - Add-on prices to be paid in local currency. Until it is improved, we kindly advise you to enter your Euro amount in any search engine, in order to convert to USD or your local currency. We offer up to 5% discount for the rest of the world. I am going to rent in Florida this July and am looking at the Gold Package for a full size car. This will give you access to travel agent rates for Disney properties and cruises. Shawna, Must present valid IATAN or CLIA Identification card at time of rental. Taxes other governmentally-authorized or imposed surcharges (including GST), license and concession recoupment fees, airport and airport facility fees, fuel, additional driver fee, one-way rental charge and optional items (such as CDW up to US $29.99 per day) are extra. Our Fully Inclusive rates cover everything you'll need for peace of mind, so just relax and enjoy the ride. Hertz - Travel Agents Travel industry staff Alamo Gold offer. Need to check details or make a change to your reservation? Hi, I will be booking there car in my fathers name as he has a bigger credit limit and I will be the 2nd name driver will this be okay. Commission levels for specific promotions may vary. These discounts typically require the agent to show their personal IATA card at the location. Enjoy!!! All prices are discounted already for your convenience.
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