ALERE is available through a nation-wide Dealer channel that can provide consulting, training, and customization and implementation services. Everything from keeping track of complex inventories, processing customer orders and managing payables, to providing sophisticated general ledger financial controls. ACCG/ACCT - Accounting ADT - Auditing BUS/BSN - Business CAP - Capital CF - Cash Flow CFO - Chief Financial Officer COO - Chief Operating Officer CPA - Certified Public Accountant CR - Credit CUR - Current CURR - Currency DR - Debit GAAS - General Accepted Accounting Standards Journal entries will. Any Bill to/Ship to combination is supported, including manually entering a onetime shipping address for drop shipping. Concepts Accounting Single Point Entry Enter a company into ALERE and never have to enter the same information again. The mass shipping function permits orders to be shipped completely or partially. Email - Key Sales and Purchase screens can automatically convert the order into a PDF file and send it via email. Alere Accounting Software - Orders and returns can be received and not released to payables or received and released to payables. Inventory - INV: Use a grid-based order entry screen to speed up order taking with a heads-down keyboard oriented approach. E - Equity. Optionally hide the costs of line items during order entry. on the screens. Better data integrity is provided by avoiding large, complex batch postings which tax networks. Email: Yes. Across the board, for the level of ERP we were looking for, they almost all offered similar functionlaity but it was Aleres adaptability that had us move forward with them. ERP software is, by its nature, a large and complex program with many moving parts. The DEALER Method: The Hack to Make Sure You Never Forget. New search features Acronym Blog Free tools " The reports can also provide information on the status of pending or unshipped orders. A sales graph for the Executive Advisor displays key sales information for a range of dates in a variety of 2D or 3D formats with a resolution of days, weeks or months. Accounts payable (AP) Accounts payable (AP) definition: The amount of money a company owes creditors (suppliers, etc.) The cornerstone of ALERE is its broad range and depth of accounting features that make it extremely appealing to a wide variety of businesses.
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