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How do they know that he was shot with a .22 and a .308 if they didnt run ballistics? I was 10 years old and saw the whole thing. Or into their mouths. Shot in back or front makes no difference. Is it possible you will be doing an updated story, anytime soon? Ken Rex McElroy was a bully to put it mildly. I also did a Google Street View of the town (last updated in 2009) and it looks really sad. Thats all i have to say about that. Thanks for taking the time to write. I watched a YouTube video of you, the lawyer and family members on the talk show. the dirty little coward who shot Mr. Howard) as opposed to the denotation; a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc. He was the fifteenth of sixteen children born to a poor, migrant tenant farming family. But looking at this case through the lens of 2021, you can see how he clearly terrorized people. i passed through skidmore last summer & talked to a few old timers who were around back in the early 80s when kenny was roaming the streets .had a nice conversation until you bring up mc elroys name .they all turn a pale white & ghastly & then u smell an odor its only then that u realize they shit all over themselves .. ken rex mc elroy still brings fear to skidmore old timers , they HATED THAT MAN. If Clement was one of the gunment, he was just protecting his neighbors. ; a timid or easily intimidated person. Let sleeping dogs lay in this tragedy. can palm most 6 tall peoples head like a basket ball and pick them up. He probably had enough of McElroy chasing his bar customers away. damn right we were scared to death of him the man was a bully . I would say that the shotgun was the first thing fired then shots rang from the other 2 guns, one being fired instantly after the shotgun blast which took out the window. It was somehow fitting, therefor, that McElroy was shot sitting in his pickup in front of the D & G. Your all wrong. I must be missing something. From the beginning of his life, on June 1, 1934, Ken Rex McElroy seemed destined for a trouble and cruelty. Instead of writing some kind of relevant answer on the issue, you took your time to harass someone who was nice enough to give a deeper insight from first hand witnessing. Ken Rex was a hero to some and was running the area with the back of his hand and had a great run. Let this story be told and retold and commented upon as warning to bullies and scumbags that if they want to bully people sooner or later, one way or another, they are going to get what is coming to them, one way or another. . And I wouldnt have said a word about who did it myself. My question is: Is there any interviews or documentation regarding Trenas opinions on McElroy as she got older and remarried? They did not deserve any of this. I doubt he really was afraid for his life. Im back and have a few pictues that I will post to my site once I have gone through them all. You or your crew. I knew Del in his later years and enjoyed his company. Made me do a bit of searching on my own recently. I admire the town for keeping their mouths shut, and the people who took up arms and took care of business. I know Treena passed,which is so sad, she had a terrible life . this town is declining at a rapid pace , soon , skidmore will be a ghost town with nothing but mcelroys ghost roaming the streets & empty buildings. I will stress again that his death was very unexpected. Yea he stole hogs, but no ones perfect. Ive always wondered why he wasnt killed long before he was. Jones Memorial Chapel, 703 N.. The silence of the town since is truly amazing.

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