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By using the data available on the WPRDC website portal, you agree to the terms and conditions of your access to the WPRDC and your use of the Data on deposit with the WPRDC. Controller's Office. Please read the notice under the button and be sure to keep your email address updated. Next, you would multiply the $100,000 assessment times each specific millage rate. ALLEGHENY COUNTY BOARD OF PROPERTY ASSESSMENT . If you use our FREE e-check payment through this website your account is credited when you pay. New!! Open Gov Portal April 27, 2023 . ParksCourt RecordsHealthHuman ServicesJailReal EstateAll County Departments, Rededication of the Homestead Grays Bridge, Self Sufficiency Case Management, Training, and Job Placement, Supported Employment Services for Persons with Mental Illness, Medical Assistance Transportation Program, How CYF Responds to an Abuse or Neglect Report, Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights Hearing (TPR), Drug and Alcohol Services for Teens and Young Adults, How to Prevent a Death Due to Opioid Overdose, Policies, Procedures & Standards of Practice, Credentials for Strengths-based Family Workers, Housing for Persons with a Mental Health Diagnosis, Services for Immigrants and Internationals, Drug and Alcohol Services Guide for Court Personnel, Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee, Human Services Block Grant Advisory Board, Immigrants and Internationals Advisory Council, Mental Health/Intellectual Disability (MH/ID) Advisory Board, Improving Outcomes for Children and Families Initiative, Violation Notices - Cease and Desist Orders, Temporary and Seasonal Food Facilities and Events, Business Resources and Consumer Education, Search Restaurant-Food Facility Inspection Reports, Community Environment Complaints and Inspections, Rooming, Boarding and Nursing Home Information, Allegheny County Solid Waste Management Plan, Information for Health Care Professionals, Allegheny County Community Health Assessment, Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System, Preventing Healthcare Associated Infections, Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities, Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, Safety and Justice Challenge Community Advisory Committee, Rethinking the Allegheny County Jail Facility. The following measures are meant to help you lower your tax bills: The City's millage rate is 8.06; The Act-50 Homestead Exemption is $15,000; The Act-77 Senior Tax Relief is a 40% reduction on assessment; Property Tax Worksheet Parcel information is provided from the Office of Property Assessments in Allegheny County. You can contact Ryan by email at or via Twitter . Information on reassessments is available on the Mayor's website as well as on the Allegheny County website. The Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center (WPRDC) is a project led by the University Center of Social and Urban Research (UCSUR) at the University of Pittsburgh ("University") in collaboration with City of Pittsburgh and The County of Allegheny in Pennsylvania. The Treasurer's Office - Allegheny County Treasurer "Non-Public Information" for the purposes of this Agreement shall mean information that may not be disclosed to the public for the following reasons: Disclaimers/No Warranties/As Is and As Available: APR-2023 Property Assessments Parcel Data. Secure .gov websites use HTTPSA 8:00 a.m. 1) Call to order; roll call .

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