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Also, Leo is loyal, intensely personal, and rather narcissistic, while Aquarius can be rather cool and impartially fair. Best traits: friendly, optimist, humorous, Worst traits: emotionally detached, stubborn. Virgo Suns and Aquarius moons do not get along well, either. Jupiter in Relationship Astrology: A Philosophical Love Match? Capricorn, on the other hand, cherishes tradition and is far more cautious about venturing into unknown territory or changing the standard, tried-and-true ways of doing things. Neither of you is especially domestic you need involvement in the world at large or at least a wide social circle. No one escapes the power of the Moon, and it is due to the Moon's influence that we have things like intuition, sensitivity and emotional depth. Taurus seems even more boring for the eccentric aquarian moon and appears to be too attached to the material things, which is not something appreciated by Aquarius. Aquarius Moon may share a cup of coffee and semi-interesting conversation, but after that, they know it can go no further. Moon sign compatibility - Libra with Aquarius (Zodiac Sign) Moon in Libra brings in characteristics like sociable, polite, and very friendly. Moon Gemini needs mental stimulation, and Aquarius your unpredictability keeps them alert and happy. It takes a lot of stability, security, and confidence in a relationship for someone with the moon sign in Capricorn to feel happy, and truly fulfilled. You can be prone to temper tantrums, mainly due to your detachment with emotions and unable to handle them when they overwhelm you. When your Moon is in Aquarius, basically everything you know about yourself as an Aquarius is heightened and intensified. Your emotional rhythms and temperaments are rather different. Your emotional natures and needs are so different that there is likely to be quite a bit of dissonance or conflict between you, unless you both come to understand and accept one another. They can be possessive and jealous, which will make Aquarius feel restricted and make them rebel. Gemini and Taurus Compatibility: The Communicator and the Lover. Although you get along well, outsiders may think that this moon sign compatibility is superficial, because emotions do not come into play. If you have an Aquarius Moon, you know what you want and you believe in your personal freedom and choices. An earth Moon sign brings emotional stability to any partnership. Aquarius moons are usually dedicated to social justice. For those with a Libra Moon sign, social life is extremely important. This relationship may be extremely good, or it may lead to arguments over your own differences. They usually get on well with those born with the Moon in Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius . Aquarius, you and Moon Sagittarius will have many fun times together. Gemini Moon Compatibility Despite looking for a sensitive and understanding companion, the Capricorns lunar sign shows us very disciplined and inflexible people when it comes to love. Pisces is gentle, non-competitive, somewhat passive, and has a need to withdraw or get away from it all on a regular basis. Aquarius, on the other hand, is very independent, resists being possessed or controlled, and is much more mental than emotional. You are the person who will "take a bullet" for the one you love, and you will be the first person to stand up for the rights of another. Aries Moon Compatibility | Taurus Moon Compatibility | Gemini Moon Compatibility | Cancer Moon Compatibility | Leo Moon Compatibility | Virgo Moon Compatibility | Libra Moon Compatibility | Scorpio Moon Compatibility | Sagittarius Moon Compatibility | Capricorn Moon Compatibility | Aquarius Moon Compatibility | Pisces Moon Compatibility | Moon Sign Compatibility |

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