It mimics the behavior of ants to get close enough to them for an attack. The maximum upload file size: 15 MB. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. However, all spiders of the ant-mimicking spider genus Castianeira behave and move similar to ants. Spannen sinn eng Zort Insekt, di vu villen gr ka ginn, a vill anerer Angscht maachen. Hi Jason, this is most likely some type of ant mimicking spider of the genus Castianeira. 4. A normal female red-spotted ant mimic grows about 13mm. Picture 2. However, it is believed to be around 1-2 years. Castianeira Amoena Next up, we have the castianeira amoena. Related Article: Hobo Spider vs Grass Spider 6. Despite its name, the long-palped ant mimic sac spider does not look much like an ant. Wolf Spider Family (Lycosidae) . However, it is more commonly seen on the East Coast. Photo: Sean McCann. Unidentified spider in Winston-Salem, North Carolina United States They might benefit by looking ant-like to predators who find ants distasteful (and dont look too closely). The Castianeira belongs to the family of corinnid sac spiders, indigenous to the Americas, Eurasia, and Africa, comprising 127 species according to the April 2019 records. These small spidersare ratherelusive, but sobeautiful! Castianeira crocata has been sighted in the following countries: United States. I didnt notice the red mark on its back until it was out in the sun. independently since the beginning. Spider - Castianeira - BugGuide.Net They are black or blackish with a reddish stripe down the back. Can someone verify? Some species, like the onefrom Singapore below, are a little more ant-shaped, but their morphology isnot as extremely modified as someother kinds of ant-mimicking spiders (like this onephotographed by Alex Wild). Any idea what this is? This ones in my kitchen and smaller than a pinky nail. The last (hindmost)pair of legs is always longest, followed by the first (frontmost) pair, and the abdomen is often decorated withbands of white scale-like setae (hairs). TIA! red-spotted ant mimic spider (C. descripta), Enoplognatha Ovata Candy-Striped Spider,,
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