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By including assumptions about the mortality of native and foreign-born people, the 2017 projections better account for the effects of international migration on the population of the United States. State-level population projections come from the Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity's baseline projections (medium series). Projected state population of the United States in 2040, by state (in millions) [Graph]. 2019 Socioeconomic Projections - AZMAG The 30-year forecasts call for job, income, and sales growth in Arizona to gradually decelerate, reflecting slowing population gains due to the aging of the baby boom generation. Despite decreasing in population, New York remained the nations largest city. Some content on this site is available in several different electronic formats. Indeed, by 2050, net migration is forecast to be responsible for all state population increase. Beneath the global level, there are of course big differences between different world regions and countries. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. These tables feature 2017 National Population Projections by age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, and nativity. The best of the best: the portal for top lists & rankings: Strategy and business building for the data-driven economy: Industry-specific and extensively researched technical data (partially from exclusive partnerships). A lock ( All rights reserved. Yuma, Lake Havasu-Kingman, and Flagstaff were hit harder, with jobs down 7.1%, 9.0%, and 17.2%, respectively. The other six most populous cities experienced some moderate to small growth in population. While it is difficult to foresee the long-run impacts of the pandemic on Arizona while we are in the middle of the crisis, we do know that the factors that drive long-run economic performance in our per capita standard of living will be innovation, physical capital, and public infrastructure. A lock ( Following Los Angeles in population size were Chicago, Illinois (2.7 million); Houston, Texas (2.3 million); Phoenix, Arizona (1.6 million); Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1.6 million); San Antonio, Texas (1.5 million); San Diego, California (1.4 million); Dallas, Texas (1.3 million); and San Jose, California (1.0 million). Browse our topics and subtopics to find information and data. Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). This poster examines projected life expectancy in the United States and explores differences between the native and foreign-born populations. The Phoenix MSA is home to 67% of the states population and has been one of the top growth areas in the nation. San Antonio, Texas, had the highest numeric gain of 13,626 people between 2020 and 2021. The seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate bounced up to 10.0%, but remained below the national rate at 11.1%. About 1.3 million grandparents in the labor force are responsible for most of the basic care of coresident grandchildren under age 18. The Vintage 2021 methodology statement and release notes are available at Similarly, the state needs to invest in public infrastructure, like highways and roads, water and sewer, telecommunications, airports, and border ports of entry, to ensure that the state is competitive around the U.S. and globally. Copyright 2023 AZ Big Media | All Rights Reserved | Site by Blufish, Ranking Arizona: Top 10 cybersecurity companies for 2023, Heres how the Joy Bus helps home-bound cancer patients, How Small Business Boot Camp boosts Arizonas small business community. A Changing Nation: Population Projections. Register in seconds and access exclusive features. Access demographic, economic and population data from the U.S. Census Bureau. The 2017 series extends this work and for the first time accounts for the generally lower mortality rates and longer life expectancy of the foreign-born.

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