Case law has several instances where a warrant was challenged on the basis that it was illegal. If this occurs, the case moves along to a superior court. Disputes over properties with value not exceeding $5,000 are tried as small claims. However, Arkansas laws demand that the total fee be paid upfront if it exceeds $25. If you do not have this information please contact the Clerks office during business hours at 501-371-4739, by email at, or by searching Public Court Connect In such instances, the judge may permit remote access to the criminal electronic record. The Supreme Court in Arkansas examines the opinions delivered by the Court of Appeals. Prosecuting Attorney To stop the suspect of a jailable misdemeanor offense from escaping. To obtain copies of the Appellate Court records, requestors should submit requests orally or in writing to: 625 Marshall Street. Robbery, aggravated assault, murder, and forcible rape make up the four main violent crime categorizations. These only have jurisdiction over bankruptcy and nothing else. They see very few actual trial cases and are mostly used for ad hoc adjudication. The public can find cases by searching for a party name or by entering the case number. The family court in Arkansas works with legal issues that stem from family partnerships. All rights reserved. Per the law, the police need a warrant to arrest or search anyone unless a person committed a crime in an officer's presence or other exigent circumstances exist. Pay a visit to the courthouse during regular business hours and submit a request at the clerk's office. There may be an application by someone close to the appeal, it can happen upon a decision certification by the appeals court, or if a determination is made that the Supreme Court should have heard the case initially. The Izard County sex offender register is updated constantly. Bid List Application A common one being that these documents must be issued based on probable or reasonable cause, not merely hunches or hearsay. Passwords expire after 90 days; the application will start prompting you to . This is known as the court provided product for litigators as well as the general population as a way to find records stored in the county courts that include dockets and court case information. All offenders within that area will then be revealed to the searcher. In civil suits, plaintiffs claim money for damages and recovery of personal properties with values that do not exceed $25,000. Such use of may subject you to civil and criminal litigation and penalties. If the defendant in a probation revocation hearing fails to appear before the court, the penalty is a Class D felony, punishable by up to 6 years in a state penitentiary.
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