Serves as shift supervisor and senior technician for the 181st Signal Company in direct support of global NCA, NATO, EUCOM, CENTCOM, DISA missions and contingencies; manages the communication capabilities, training, and operational readiness of 13 satellite systems consisting of 347 racks of equipment ensuring communication reliability while managing a shift comprised of six Soldiers, one Noncommissioned Officer, three Department of the Army Contractors (DAC), and a Contractor Support Team (CST) consisting of eight personnel; directly responsible for a SATCOM facility valued in excess of $400 million. Career mapping and succession planning tool phases. 553 0 obj Signal Support Systems Specialist | endobj <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -446.75 506.7 -456.3]/A 480 0 R>> This professional career map will assist in guiding Soldiers to. 543 0 obj Junior leaders seeking to manage their careers can leverage the Armys professional development guides for commissioned officers and noncommissioned officers DA Pamphlets 600-3 and 600-25, respectively. 0000013228 00000 n Troubleshoot complex system faults, supervise or correct failures to meet 501 0 obj is recommended. Direct or assist in conducting PMCS 0000015460 00000 n 0000016939 00000 n (CFC)/Unites States Forces Korea (USFK) and Eighth Army Commanders; responsible for systems support equipment, 2 vehicles and 1 facility valued in excess of $3.2 million; responsible for the welfare, morale, discipline and professional . 0000020278 00000 n Back to CMF 25 Duty . 51 51 602 <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[298.9 -251.3 365.8 -260.85]/A 480 0 R>> <> You'll deal with highly sensitive information and need to have technical skills and aptitude for programming and computer languages. View full document Generated by Army Career Tracker Reporting Page 1 Report generated on: Aug 25, 2020 ACT Career Map - 68W - Combat Medic Specialist SOLDIER FOR LIFE More Info. endobj <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[391.5 -334.7 428.05 -344.25]/A 480 0 R>> By Maj. Gen. Mark T. Simerly and Lt. Col. John MitchelFebruary 24, 2022.
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