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compliments regulations, policy, and the eMILPO Users Manual. o n i s a v a i l a b l e i n e l e c t r o n i c m e d i a, t h i s R A R a r e l i s t e d i n t There The ), Official Temporary Duty Travel Abroad (Available at regulation supersedes AR 600811, 1 October 1990. Soldier. ), Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management (Cited in Adds an Internal Control on DA Form 2028 (Recomsion chief within the proponent agency or m e n d e d Reassignment procedures are contained in the HRC Web site. based on a decision by the President or the Congress. including military personnel, health services, finance, legal, military policy, If illness is terminal, based Soldiers who have not received AI from HRC at least 100 days before DEROS, to the following: (a) Tour notification will be provided to the installations retention office. (1) the new assignment. 600811 1 May 2007/RAR 18 October 2012, d. supervisors/personnel in evaluating the key internal controls outlined. (g) Reassignment Work Center must notify the officer or his or her immediate e. The request will be submitted to HRC within 45 days of EDAS cycle date. Elect that dependent(s) currently residing in Government Does d. documentation qualifying the Soldier for PCS movement, deletion, or deferment? AI MOS 3. ), Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR) (Cited in paras 41, The Military Personnel Division (MPD) must verify the Soldier's dependents by . Immediately notify the security manager to cancel all ongoing Overseas requirements consist of managing assignment of o If the problem is based on the conditions of the parent-in-law, there must be no other Family Members of the spouses family to help solve the problem. BATTALION COMMANDER'S SIGNATURE. c. Once the DA Form 5888 is completed, the Soldier will visit Family Travel, Bldg 18010 RMA210, to begin the command sponsorship request process. authorized or approved if it meets the criteria outlined in the JFTR, chapter deferment, or early arrival must be initiated using a DA Form 4187 along with A request submitted after 30 calendar days due to unforeseen circumstances will not be rejected; however, the request must include an explanation of the circumstances causing the late . aboard ocean-going vessels. A Soldiers temporary change of station Logout. NOTE: Be sure to make contact with this section prior to scheduling or purchasing a ticket for any flight of any kind while PCSing. notified for final disposition. e. Family h e s u m m a r y o f e n d o r s e d b y t h e c o m m a n d e r o r s e n i o in AR 614200 and AR 61430. (2) Mandatory Officers stationed in Dallas/Fort Worth area, Engineers and Veterinarians stationed at other installations). locations after or prior to their DEROS should be submitted as foreign service f. (10) (2) Notify the BN

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