You would be far better off avoiding it and going for proper friendship. How does this work? WebThe Asteroid is related to the outer appearance and attraction. I think this is a good aspect. Apollo loved both men and women. This idea of Crossing Over was made famous by my Twitter amigo, John Edwards. The Romans believed that Aesculapius/a (Asclepius) was that snake. I can put a finger on almost all the asteroids you have in my chart now, I learned over the years how to feel and understand them when certain things happen, but Apollo leaves me blank. Asteroid of Wisdom. Klytia was named for a nymph in Greek mythology, also known as Clytie, the daughter of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. Since then, as Covid cresis happened, the plan were delayed and I have not yet signed the contract. Diana was not a lesbian but she did avoid marriage and children. Here in Japan I am teaching as a part time lecturer. by The AstroTwins The asteroid belt is a packed place, but astrologers have adopted a few as our own. The major asteroids in astrology are Ceres, Juno, Vesta, Pallas, Chiron, Eros and Lilith. Since Venus and the moon are the only planets representing the feminine force in the chart, weve turned to the asteroid belt to fill in the blanks. Over the next few years you will mother the world. Tyche (minor planet designation: 258 Tyche) is a relatively large main belt asteroid discovered by Robert Luther at Dsseldorf-Bilk Observatory on 4 May 1886. Thank you for posting this it was brilliant. You are strongly Leo and Fifth House and you are supporting your son, which is one Leo stellium path. I have been asking you for the whole year about my business- the Chinese contract to sell my technology and intellectual property of noval yeasts to produce health foods in China. Anyway was wondering what you think the best use of that configuration might be. Nor have I got the opportunity to go to work in China. Conjunct Cupido at 14 Leo this is about short-term passion for the world of babies, children and teenagers. If Saturn is emphasized in a synastry chart, the relationship usually holds karmic lessons and a karmic connection. We associate Apollo with leadership because he was an all-rounder, brilliantly skilled at many things.
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