80 contracts and amendments are being processed (47 are drafted, sent out and not yet returned; 33 contracts and amendments need to be completed and sent to vendors). Discussion topics included hepatitis A vaccine, influenza, herpes zoster vaccine, varicella vaccine, dengue virus vaccine, yellow fever vaccine, mumps disease and vaccine, meningococcal, and Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting. And right now, the clinics around the country that are being asked to respond to this crisis are starved for resources. David, who is still actively involved with the organization, had a vision to motivate patients to become more active and improve ones health. 394: Rural Health Solutions, Healthy People 2030 Training, 393: Mental Health is Public Health, Washington Post Opinion, 392: Emergency Contraception, PH Workforce Panel, 391: Heartbreaking Gun Violence, ACIP Explained, 390: Impact of Community on PH, Indigenous Data Justice, 389: Seeking School Lunch Comments, Debt Ceiling Discussions, 388: Tribal Vaccine Messaging, Celebrating a Family of 163 Doctors, 387: Women Leading ASTHO, Attending TechXpo, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. ASTHO at the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Nurse Practitioner I (Public/Prev. It struck a good balance of information sharing from all the parties. ASTHO was cited in both Politico Pro and The Washington Post last week in articles on the Senates draft ACA replacement bill and its impact on public health. ASTHO Member Directory The members of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials are proud to act as liaisons between the field of public health and the general public that it serves. PIHOA Secretariat Executive Director Emi Chutaro, offers details on a new study to better understand how to address non-communicable diseases in the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands. Experience developing and writing policies, procedures and protocols. Staff also began distributing copies of the FY16 audit report to numerous entities requesting the report. Excellent communication and presentation skills, both verbal and written. The Board and a Strategic Planning Committee will oversee the process and will include a staff feedback component, as well as feedback from funding partners, affiliates, and other public health partnersand ASTHO members, of course. We will follow-up with the State Health Officials of the 10 states to obtain point of contact information so that CDC can coordinate with our members as this effort moves forward. And I pinch myself and just remind myself how lucky I am in that space, and then remind myself that we all bring different things to it. This week, I share kudos with several staff including Sharon Moffatt and Melissa Ferguson for their help with the SHLI review process.