Currently, Athene holds an A (Excellent) rating from AM Best, which is the third-highest possible score. Minimum single premium is $25, 000. Do not trust anyone who suggests you will earn significantly higher returns than what we have disclosed in this section. Athene Complete the form below and get the answers you need within 24 hours. Initially, Athene sold both life insurance policies and annuities, though the company stopped writing life insurance contracts just a few short years later, in 2013 though is still considered an insurance company. Choose your company wisely. These charges do not apply to free withdrawals, RMDs, payments made in settlement of your annuitys Death Benefit or Confinement, and Terminal Illness waivers. Not available in: AK, CT, DE, ID, MN, NV, NJ, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT and WA 0000028258 00000 n It will not be applied in the event of the death of the Annuitant or to any Free Withdrawal amount, including those elected under the Confinement or Terminal Illness Waivers, if applicable. AvenirNextLTPro-LightCn They are a percentage of the withdrawal amount, decrease over time, and go to zero when the term ends. Confinement and Terminal Illness penalty waivers not available. WebWithdrawal Charge Schedule NC 12%, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 2, 0 Market Value Adjustment 10 years. Athene Life Insurance Review 68070_PE7_ProductGuide_0617.indd Athene Life Insuranceis also an inexpensive way to leave a death benefit to beneficiaries. Elite Plus Version includes enhanced liquidity, Return of Premium, and Bonus Options for a .95% rider charge. In fact, this particular annuity is one of the stronger growth focusedannuities on the market. Check out the. "AM Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Athene Holding Ltd. and Its Subsidiaries; Assigns Credit Ratings to Athene Annuity Re Ltd.", J.D. 0 However, Athene takes additional premium payments during the first contract year. You should also request a proposal for the worst-case scenario. converted Athene 0000003746 00000 n Its important to note that once you choose to annuitize, the payment schedule and the amount is fixed and cant be altered.
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