Game Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Located in city of dead hanging on a cross outside the stalkers base. 10% ignore armor chance; Unique; Provided at start when lost introduction combat. Still might be the difference between surviving alpha strike and not. it's a story-driven game primarily, and the story is good enough to play through, so somewhat broken mechanics are not too bad. He gets the Books in his stock when you hit 5. Like accurate range, bullets per burst/shot, that kind of stuff. AchievementsCraftingEncountersQuestsLocationsSoundtracks. You will take 2 RAD-0 for radiation and wear a 100% gas mask when needed. I think this assasult rifle is kinda late game weapon to spice up the difficully. Valve Corporation. All other logos and trademarks are copyrights of their respective owners. Dec 26, 2021 @ 3:06am . See legend in table above. Impact on the stats: +15 to firearms; +5 Sequence, -15 Unarmed, -1 Endurance. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. There used to be a way to beat the bandits in the beginning of the game to keep the ak-47 but that's no longer doable. Negligible. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Car is in Old Scrapyard. I've only played it once because there's basically no endgame. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. walkthrough/Abandoned Factory Drunken Lair, Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key, Tri-barrel Pistol (seems not in game anymore), Crafted; 10% Jamming Chance; -10 accuracy at close range; 2% stun chance, Crafted; 10% Jamming Chance; -10 accuracy in close range; 5% stun chance, Crafted; 10% Jamming Chance; -10 accuracy in close range; 10% stun chance. There's a few points where having a high int gets you some custom dialog and it does get you more skill points. Cookie Notice low Ap cost, higher damage output. ATOM RPG Post-apocalyptic game, inspired by classic CRPGs: Fallout, System Shock, Deus Ex, Baldur's Gate and many others. There is only one respec potion in the game. Companions rob you of exp(20% for the first one, and 10% for every other, combat exp only), invalidate stealth(which is super-op solo) and tend to rush in and either die themselves or get you killed. By itself sequence is not the most important stat. Pretty sure duration is renewed if you train at a later date, so hit the gym if you are passing by. You can actually get 30% chance to get a Personality increase with Pre-War Cognac. Atom RPG - List Of All The Crafting Recipes For All Items - Prodigygamers Hi! You can manually reload their weapons with no. It is not hard to guess, that akin to "energy weapons" (or "big guns") in Fallout, "automatic weapons" in Atom will be most powerful, but in "Fallout", those types of weapons weren't accessible until the mid-late part of the game. This page contains information on various firearms, their descriptions, and information about their damage. Hello! The safe in the back of the bookstore in KRZ contains two magazines "Youth and Technology" each gives +5 Technology.