Peter punched Clint sending him in the wall of the pool. He tried to get out of his grip, but because of their war before, he lost his energy. "Tony, lets first head back in and put some clothes on." )," The coach says in a monotone breath. Yeah, Ill be out in a minute, he grunted. You havent decorated? He asked, running his fingers over the beige bedsheets. Peter Parker & Avengers Team Matt Murdock & Peter Parker Jessica Jones & Peter Parker Frank Castle & Peter Parker Peter Parker & Everyone Characters: Peter Parker Tony Stark Steve Rogers Natasha Romanoff Clint Barton Additional Tags: Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure dad tony stark Son Peter Parker BAMF Peter BAMF Peter Parker It took another thirty seconds for the father/son duo to untangle themselves from their hug, and Peter covertly wiped a small tear from his eyes. Tony started swimming towards them, to stop thm. After all, he had said he wouldnt hurt the boy, so he wouldnt physically hurt him. He had the whole weekend ahead of him, two days of fun Stark Tower. That didnt work, so I started scraping at it with my fingernails, eventually breaking the skin. At Coach Wilsons whistle, the group split up for each activity. Right now he would be more happy to hit his head with a brick. I would like to explore an alternate event. Tony merely snorted and kept on. "What happened." Well, when youre married to someone for nearly ten years, you tend to get good at knowing what they like, Steve pressed his fingers onto the area where flesh turned to metal, running his fingers over the faded scars there. . And if we are supposed to fight together, that is something I need to know, just as I do with everyone else on the team. It wasnt like he thought Mr. Stark would forget about him. I think it was Flash and his buddies. You don't have to join in on an Avengers mission, if you don't want to, or don't feel ready to.. He turned to kick Wilson, but it was too late. (Or sometimes even sad or scary when I'm in a particular mood.). They grabbed him by the shoulders. You bet your fucking ass this is about last month, punk.. We have had a lot of missions as the Avengers, that took us out of state for weeks at a time. I'm gonna write something like that! Everybody slowly left, leaving Peter alone, in the cold water. It's not that he pushes people around or is a jerk or anything. Well, we better make the most of it, Steve smirked as Bucky just hummed in agreement, in too much bliss to talk. AND he meant those words one hundred percent.