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Solar storms are bursts of energy from the sun which send electrical charges, magnetic fields and radiation toward Earth. According to her, he would leave office at a time when the country would be in economic ruins, and there would be a huge divide between the northern and southern states as was the case during the American Civil War. See Baba Vanga predictions. Baba Vanga was a blind mystic who left predictions for every year up until 5079. However, her predictions captured the attention of many around the world, therefore numerous esoteric books about her life, and her predictions were written such as Bulgarian Mysteries by Andrei Kudin., Zooey Deschanel and Jonathan Scott's combined net worth explored. Blind Psychic Baba Vanga's Predictions: Past And Future, Healing, And 2. For 2022, she said that several Asian and Australian countries will be hit by massive floods, leading to hundreds of deaths. It is believed while Baba did make some predictions, many of which are attributed to her actually simply originate in the ether of the internet created by trolls. However, one of the most widely cited predictions relates to the terrorist attacks of September 11 (which Nostradamus it is claimed also predicted). She was swept away by a mighty tornado. Everything Baba Vanga, the blind Bulgarian mystic, predicted for 2022 Blind mystic Baba Vanga who predicted 9/11 said Putin will be 'Lord of Only the future will tell. A colony on Mars will enable the planet to become a nuclear power, and demand independence from Earth from around 2170 to 2256. Brexit: While some conspiracy theorists claim Vanga predicted Brexit, she actually incorrectly said Europe will cease to exist by 2017, something which obviously has not happened. Blind mystic Baba Vanga had some disturbing predictions for 2022 including floods in Australia, a new lethal virus and an alien encounter. Here is what she predicted. The psychic made hundreds of predictions in her 50-year career, including accurately predicting the sinking of the Kursk in 2000. In 1979 during a meeting with writer Valentin Sidorov, Baba Vanga said: All will thaw, as if ice, only one remain untouched- Vladimirs glory, glory of Russia. Some suggest this was a prediction of Vladimir Putins win of the 2018 election. Baba Vanga is a Bulgarian 'clairvoyant' who supposedly predicted 9/11, Barack Obama's election and Brexit. Vanga is also claimed to have prophesied that a "big country" will carry out bioweapons research on people. Baba Vanga, the Bulgarian mystic who predicted 9/11 and the rise of Donald Trump, is still sharing visions years after . They can be as powerful as billions of nuclear bombs. There are enough voices that contradict these predictions who think that these statements are only justified by the media in order to get attention.

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