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Check the full blog post above for more variations. My father brought me some saffron from Iran that Ive been using (and wowis it more fragrant than any Ive bought here in the states! , Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil at medium setting in a, Rinse the white basmati rice in water several times until the water is clear and not starchy. Instant Pot Baghali Polo (Persian Rice with Dill, Lima Beans and Leftover Chicken or Turkey) I could eat bowl after bowl of this delicious baghali polo! Thank you. Stir a couple times and boil for 5 minutes. Youll see moisture collecting and starting to spread on the paper towel around the edges of the lid. Start with the Recipe Index. I get frozen and peeled fava beans from my local Arabic grocery store. Also, make sure to finely chop it. This Ancient Flavored Salt Making Tradition Will Bring Your Dying Herbs Back to Life. Cooked it under high pressure for 4 minutes and natural release for 10 minutes. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! Then add the chopped onions into the pan and fry them until golden. After cooking the chicken pieces, you can serve them with fava bean rice. I served this dish as part of a big Persian feast when one of my friends was over for the day. This rice dish is a great one to turn into tahdig, a crispy rice layer at the bottom of the pot. Lower the heat,put the lid and let the meat cook for 10 minutes turn the meat over after10 minutes. When the hour is up, you invert the pot on a plate as if you're removing a cake from its pan, and voila, you have a golden brown crust of rice surrounding a steaming cake of white rice. Keep the rice on after the timer has hit 60 minutes and you'll get extra-crispy tahdig; keep it on. Turn the heat to low. Wait for it to be half in amount.'block';'px';'100%';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); Baghali polo is a special occasion rice dish full of flavor, and aroma, cooked with fava beans and topped with saffron rice. Hope this helps! Scoop the rest of the rice out of the colander and into the pot, forming a volcano-shaped mound in the middle of the pot. I did that in the air fryer but thats authentic flavors. If you nee. Published: Nov 4, 2021 Modified: Nov 4, 2021 by Candice This post may contain affiliate links.

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