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Mike most likely has served his term since its now 2022. Bar Rescue Updates: Power Strip and Proving Ground Bar & Grill From Bar You see it during the show which are going to fail in the year or who is going to change the name. After nine years of business there is now much more competition, with new bars popping up in the area all the time. Jon confronts the dancers with everything they did wrong. "There wasn't a week we went by at the Curtain Call we weren't surprised by something and did something differently with it," Adams said. The next day, the staff are gathered for a staff meeting with Jon. "We're getting out of the shadow of that now and moving forward.". During recon, one bartender leaves the bar area to confront a . While thats an admirable belief, you also need strong business skills to run a successful bar. The business will reopen June 19 as the Haymaker Public House. Power Strip closed for good in June 2016, which is only around seven months after the Bar Rescue episode aired on TV. Mike gets their complaint and his behavior scares them. Taffer is too eager to take on establishments that are in no way going to succeed. Customers then notice there is mould in the drinks which could be coming from the ice or the bins. shame too. Sweetie probably thought she was famous and put it on her resume because she clearly thought she was something she WASNT and Im sure that was only intensified when Darren brought her back. The bar has been renamed to Proving Ground Bar and Grill. Management feuds led to customers and talent leaving the bar and there is now an unruly environment. He brought back those two loser employees after they were rightfully fired. The tired ugly strippers he brought in were a joke. you simply cannot get away cheating on sales tax for too long. He brought Chuck and Sweetie back to the bar. Jon and the experts are in disbelief of how vulgar Chandra is with her staff. Darren rebranded the bar to Industrial Strip to bring in new business. The bartender Xavion was great and personable. They have poor interaction with the men, no eye contact, no smiles and they are drinking on the job. Bar Rescue Updates: Owner From Bar Rescue's The Arena Sentenced To The Hooch / Proving Ground Bar and Grill closed in May 2016. NASTY! He appeared on an episode of Spike TV's popular "Bar Rescue.". The experts give their feedback and tell the team the flaming drinks are a liability. - FAMILIAR WITH RENOVATION PROCESSES. Jon Taffer isnt known for rescuing strip clubs, so this one is actually a fairly unique Bar Rescue Episode. Spike TVs Bar Rescue helps struggling business owners turn restaurant duds into swanky dives. There are sooo many ways a chunky girl can look super sexy a nasty pink bikini youve worn every day for a month with hair you havent even brushed in as long and spots&blotches all over your face (and no makeup) is NOT at all attractive! Previous episode - Filling Station Pub

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