The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and its staff recognised that provision of high quality, compassionate end of life care to its patients was the responsibility of all clinical staff that looked after patients at the end of life. Private patient care (Royal Free Hospital only), Tongue-tie service (Royal Free Hospital only), Socially complex caseload team (Barnet Hospital only). This was the first inspection of Barnet Hospital under the new methodology. . Ensure emergency medication is stored safely and access to these drugs is controlled. Respiratory :: Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust - CLCH Improve the hygiene standards on Olive ward. Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust provides supportive, personalised and high-quality maternity care to more than 10,000 women living in and around Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, Hertfordshire, Islington and Middlesex. In addition, we sought the views of a range of partners and stakeholders. We rate most services according to how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led they are, using four levels: Outstanding We saw several areas of outstanding practice including: However, there were also areas of poor practice where the trust needs to make improvements. All inspections: Barnet General Hospital - Care Quality Commission - CQC There are two eating places, one disgusting cafeteria and one decent overpriced sandwich bar. Maternity care is offered from several hospitals and community hubs. The neonatal unit had level 2 UNICEF accredited baby friendly status where breast feeding was actively encouraged and mothers are given every opportunity to breast feed their babies. Shots from inside the hospital look out on the neighbourhood, across the Totteridge Valley towards Whetstone.Seeing the ward names Juniper and Palm as the cameras move around the hospital will perhaps remind viewers of their visits to see elderly relatives and patients. This also applies if you have confirmed infection. At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and We spoke with five band 6 midwives, six band 7 midwives, three specialist midwives, including the practice development midwife, the midwives who monitor and investigate incidents and oversee risks, one support worker and one student midwife. Our respiratory teams assess, treat and monitor patients with respiratory illnesses such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and bronchiectasis. NW3 2QG Barnet Hospital Hospital Map, Address and Location Information Activities of daily living assessments and skills. The outpatient and radiology departments followed best practise guidelines and there were regular audits taking place to maintain quality. The care we provide is therefore influenced by your own experiences and wishes.