Summer session starts June 5th and ends July 28th 2023. When: 9amnoon, June 18-20, 2018Where: Downtown Athletic Club (320 S. Polk, Suite 350)Who:Boys and girls who finished grades 7-8 during the 2017-2018 school yearCost: $100 for three days, including a BCB t-shirt. Hundreds of players fly, endure long bus rides, or beg a parent or coach to drive them 10-12 hours to get to PGC. Join over 10,000 coaches who have attended a PGC course. Boy Scouts of America Camps-Recreational Youth Organizations & Centers Website 101 YEARS IN BUSINESS Our Instructors are typically PGC grads who have played college basketball and coach high school or college basketball. WT Camps and Youth Programs | WTAMU - West Texas A&M University Teams - HOOP10 Basketball Players must alo attend tryouts. The City of Amarillo Athletics Department offers a variety of great activities for adults to get involved in! Some players will progress through this stage quickly, while others will need to spend a bit more time to correct some bad habits. Visit the Choir Camp page for more information, Visit the Band Camp page for more information, Counseling & Mental Health Services (HB2895), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Additional Information. Simply subscribe to our monthly newsletter and receive: 72 Basketball Drills & Coaching Tips - 136 page eBook, 21 Basketball Tips & Tricks for Players - 20 page eBook, 32 Winning Basketball Plays - 96 page eBook, Over 200,000 players, coaches and parents subscribed. ), but they will need to enjoy working hard and challenging their existing self-beliefs to improve their skills. But dribbling effectively is simple. Inside the lab, your child will benefit from a 3-step system (Hear It. Austin Johnson Academy of Hoops are basketball camps held in the areas of Oklahoma and Texas. October 8 9, 2022 | Amarillo, TexasSat 2pm-8pm, Sun 10am-4pm, Learn How to Develop a Simple Shooting Motion, Generate Effortless Power & Increase Your Range So You Can Be a More. First, he had fun. . 2023 Spring & Summer Basketball Camps Multi-day basketball camps for boys and girls of all ages and skill levels. We will also have an athletic trainer onsite for the duration of the camp.