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It's the only land bridge to the Valencia region. as seen in the image above). Blackstone (Armor): 35. After completing the Black Spirit's Gift (Adventurer's Tome) quest, you will get an item with the effect "Prognyl Silver Bar Gain +20%." Hehe. Some items can be exchanged for more than vendor price, if you have a large quantity of them and exchange them to a certain NPC that wants them. Breaking New Ground, must be completed in order to level up from Lv. Finish waragon questline or get 100 amity with, NE Calpheon City (behind Skill Instructor), Use on vegetation to gather herbs, weeds, seeds, and flowers (Barehanded gathering without a tool will mostly reward weeds which are used in alchemy), Use on animal corpes to gather hides and feathers, Use on animal corpses to gather meat (Also used in the Hunting Profession to gather multiple materials and Hunting XP), Use on corpses to gather blood or trees to gather sap (which are used in Alchemy), Use on rocks, ore, and gem nodes to gather rough stone, ores, and gems, Use in the desert of Valencia to gather muddy water, vanadium and titanium ore and shards, blue and violet crystals, Easy key combos: you can Chain Lighting all the way to level 50. While one may want to do one choice or another depending on their personal objective, for example doing the quests as quick as possible or wanting to follow a certain path for the story, please keep in mind that all main quest crossroad options must be completed at one point or another to receive all the different rewards available in each separate one. 7. Dim Magical Armor is upgraded 4 times via quests from the Black Spirit. You must successfully complete 2 mini-games to loot the fish. Each Crossroad quest has a unique story and takes you through different monster zones. Alchemy requires an Alchemy tool installed in your residence. Returning players (who have not logged into their account for 30 days) also get a special tab. After you complete the quest, 'Paying Off Debts, to take money to Bobby Lauren in Heidel, you will have a window appear where you can select a Crossroad quest line of your choice. Current selling price for Ancient Relic Crystal Shards is 1.4 million silver. For beginners to BDO, looking for the easiest class to play, most recommend Witch or Wizard.

Jerry Paul Smith Blacksburg, Articles B