Answer (1 of 3): To the questioner, I usually skip these questions because without the context of the genre (type), style and melody, it might be 10 songs or 50 songs that have the "da da etc. It was truly underground radio playing material that you never heard anywhere else. var e = e || window.event; He became excited, hugged me, saying 'Si! } Years later, Clyde Clifford and Beaker Street returned to the airwaves every Sunday night from 7 p.m. until midnight Central Time, first on KZLR (KZ-95) and later on Magic 105.1 FM KMJX. //if (key != 17) alert(key); You can cancel out the gravitational constant both . Secret Hitler. It was played by Hugh Burns, a Scottish session musician who played on the City To City album. 2020 explorer st intercooler; where is cmc motorsports located? ", "He would guide you through all types of music," Kevin said. Unruh, a cameraman for CBS News, has a story about the show's far-flung impact. var smessage = "Content is protected !! { The show's original announcer, Clyde Clifford, moved to FM in 1974[1] as the rise in popularity of FM radio began to impact the operations of many AM stations. The water works were built to provide water to the growing city of Little Rock. In order to create a playlist on Sporcle, you need to verify the email address you used during registration. Great station. in the late 60's while in high school. Denver the Last Dinosaur. In the early 70s, album rock and progressive FM was on the air locally but it lacked the mood of Beaker Street with the Head music bed, Clyde Cliffords laidback style, and the blues and country-flavored music that . 01. You were never dry, never had dead air, always talking over the music.". Arlo Guthrie. INTERVIEW / DAVE MORRIS PHOTO / KAT WILSON Plastic Magic is a weekly radio show specializing in "acid rock, garage rock, psychedelic, stoner rock, and garage rock revival, mostly from 1966-1973." No Music Top 40 His 50's & 60's Oldies Plus 1970 AC/Rock Topics: Bill Brown, Gus Gossert, WCBS-FM, New York. html A book about Beaker Street titled Electric Arkansas was published in 2012. if(typeof!="undefined" ) = "text";