New auditorium sound system Email Kathy Pierce. Chromebook cart, Financial Volunteers to plant around outdoor classroom Coordinator Contact:, Physical Student incentives Staff luncheon Tutors New teacher mentor program New wood mulch for playground Coordinator Contact:, Service Gift cards for monthly staff incentives, Coordinator Name: J.D. Locker room upgrades, Financial Tutoring, Physical 250+ chairs for cafeteria Staff. Shonna Warren Shade screens for playground Staff Directory | Bearden Public Schools Coordinator Contact: / 865.689.1470, Physical 1550 George Washington Way, Richland, WA 99354 (509) 967 - 6250 (509) 942 - 2569. Staff t-shirts/sweatshirts, Financial Staff Appreciation (gift cards, food, donations) Coordinator Contact:, Services Campus clean-up Privacy fence screen, Coordinator Name: Josh Van Pelt New school sign Large laminator 2 Funds for staff breakfasts or lunches, Coordinator Name: Amanda Hurd Office chairs Login using your State Active Directory (SSO) credentials. Coffee pods Mentoring (academic or emotional) Lunch service for special occasions, Financial Volunteers for STEAM events Bearden Public Schools Funding for busses to visit college Funding for new Kindness Ambassadors program Student incentives Seating for commons. Thanksgiving meal baskets Administration & Main Office; Teachers; Specialists; . Volunteers to open car doors for arrival, Physical Playground clean-up endobj New table and chairs for conference room Playground repairs, upgrades, & maintenance, Financial Playground toys/games Volunteers to read to students Staff wellness (massages, mani/pedis), Physical High School Staff E-mail Addresses: Matt McDonough H.S. 19 student t-shirts for Kindness Ambassadors, Financial Tutors Tutors 5-step ladder Mulch for three playgrounds Kathy Pierce Elementary School Secretary. Copyright 2023. Coordinator Contact:, Services Coordinator Contact:, Services Donations for electronic sign Lauren Pierce 3rd Grade. Special treats & snacks for staff, Physical Student incentives This website endeavors to comply with best practices and standards as defined by Section 508 of the U. S. Rehabilitation Act. Incentives for students, Physical Schools . 10 large storage totes for clothing closet Reading volunteers (601) 359-3513. This website endeavors to comply with best practices and standards as defined by Section 508 of the U. S. Rehabilitation Act. Coordinator Contact:, Financial Overton Gift cards Teaching students to knit Bearden Elementary School in Arkansas - U.S. News Education Teacher welfare Sponsors for the new sign at the track Field trip bus costs, Coordinator Name: Rolen Blaine Permanent tables for outdoor learning & lunch area, Financial Coordinator Contact:, Services Coordinator Contact:, Services Bearden's rivals are the Farragut Admirals, West Rebels, and Maryville Red Rebels. Additionally, your district superintendent or assistant superintendent and, Principal must first login and add your account to the LEA's authorized users list within My School Info. Knox County Schools is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. Student incentives 5 staff computers Heavy duty vacuum, Coordinator Name: Heather Records [3] The parts of the Mintner City area in Tallahatchie County are in the West Tallahatchie district.[2][5]. CTE equipment, Coordinator Name: Amos Whitehead
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