Reminder: Make sure to choose the age group that corresponds to the age group you currently work with or, View previous attempts Referring to the image below, identify the specific physical skills and learning that the child might be developing. 0000180349 00000 n 0000007120 00000 n trailer Click to open the support page for this content. 0000003809 00000 n %PDF-1.5 % 13-19). trailer <<7BEB171C09FA431CBE3BABAD1A871389>]/Prev 942597/XRefStm 4713>> startxref 0 %%EOF 603 0 obj <>stream 0000011978 00000 n endobj 0000216764 00000 n It helps children to name their feelings as they relate to the, strong, colorful and expressive images that depict their emotions. x]ko\. 0000015563 00000 n 0000217413 00000 n Once you have completed your CDA Verification Visit and CDA Exam, in either order, your results are electronically submitted to the Council by the CDA PD Specialist and Pearson Vue testing center. 0000027005 00000 n (pp. 0000003706 00000 n hdPO(q~o}fa )14_2Q6Z.nV)M0'\wqqc $]XS== ]_6aZ[*zRw>u7MQJzGL{sT\F/4k9T Delete the prompt text! Training can be obtained through a wide variety of organizations from a single training agency or several training organizations. View Autobiography: Biography for CDA portfolio - Write your Essay Now 0000218878 00000 n Washington, DC: Council for Professional Recognition. Youll receive timely information on events, webinars, special promotions, and more. 0000207738 00000 n CDA Professional Portfolio by Julie James - Prezi CDA Professional Philosophy Statement (continued) CDA Professional Philosophy Statement. This is your final reflective task in the creating your Professional Portfolio. 0000019399 00000 n How to Compile Your CDA Professional Portfolio - nd child care
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