Harry Belafonte called the citys justice system Dickensian without acknowledging that incarceration rates plummeted by 36% under Bloomberg as crime also plummeted. She does all that for zero dollars a year, he said. Adamning Department of Investigation concludedhe owes taxpayers $320,000 for that expense. UNREAL: Trump Hating Mayor's Wife Can Not Explain Where $850 MILLION Bill de Blasio has worked in politics for a long time, but it wasn't until he married Chirlane that he started to achieve incredible success. Later, the Putz signed on to the defund the police movement. We need to speed up in terms of the number of people who get it, he acknowledged. https://t.co/oKaowNxGjT #NYC #DeBlasio, Michael E. Newton (@MichaelENewton1) March 1, 2019, What a waste these two are.De Blasio and 'co-mayor' wife have wasted $1.8B of taxpayer money https://t.co/85S88hQUuq via @nypost, MyLivesGoUpTo11 (@AlexStrayCat_) March 1, 2019, Chirlane McCoy (DeBlasio) spends $850 MILLION & can't account for it???? The citys pact with its largest union, DC 37, expired earlier this year and others will follow in the coming year, including the United Federation of Teachers contract. Mr. Sweeting said he was concerned about the future costs of retiree health benefits: The city has not put enough money away to fund them securely, he said. I certainly wouldn't stay at a top-of-the-line hotel like the Brooklyn Marriott, especially if I'm in debt. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. He added: There is a lot of knowledge in the city from City Hall to the frontline workers on how we can make the city more efficient.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. Although the budget gaps appear manageable, Eric Adams has some work cut out for him and he should start right away, said Andrew Rein, president of the fiscal watchdog group the Citizens Budget Commission. 'He's a hypocrite living like a one percenter, and it raises plenty of red flags,' Councilman Robert Holden (D-Queens) said. The tale of two cities. Naysayers said it couldn't be done. Borderline socialist New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio's wife has lost a staggering amount of money and now people are demanding answers. De Blasio and 'co-mayor' wife have wasted $1.8B of taxpayer money. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. But Mayor-elect Eric Adams may not owe de Blasio much of a thank you. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. The City Council was shocked when they learned that McCray and Team Thrive have spent about $900 million since the programs inception, and no one appears to know why. Those donations undoubtedly inflated the fund-raising totals during his tenure in office, as did a spike in donations in the years after the Sept. 11 attacks and after Superstorm Sandy. Indeed, his dreamy language and sketchy plans made it seem that the Putz had one concern crafting an image as a card-carrying progressive so he could someday get another government job. In March Ms. McCray said she was weighing a future run for office. Under withering questioning from reporters Wednesday, Mayor Bill de Blasio was forced to defend going deeper into debt to renovate his Brooklyn homes while failing to pay the hundreds of thousands of dollars he still owes a law firm that reps companies doing business with the city.
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