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Pepper"is self-referential in that sense, the musical version of art for arts sake). The Beatles, as we learn in George Martins book ". cover, arguably the most famous in the history of records, allows much creative interpretation. Actually, no. William Shears Campbell, better known as Billy Shears, does indeed "disappear" from records in 1966 and no traces of him can be found after Paul's alleged death. Paul McCartney announces Eyes Of The Storm book and exhibition, Paul McCartney announces The 7 Singles Box, Revolver to be reissued with remixes and rarities, The Beatles: Get Back wins five Emmy Awards, Brian Epstein statue unveiled in Liverpool, Join the Fab Forum discussion on The 'Paul is dead' myth,,, disclaimer in Englands then UK-only Beatles Monthly, Paul McCartney live: Climate Pledge Arena, Seattle, Paul McCartney live: Olympic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea, Television: John Lennon and Yoko Ono are interviewed for How Late It Is, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones visit Dollys nightclub, London, The Beatles arrive in Amesbury, Wiltshire, Paul McCartney, Jane Asher, Ringo Starr and Maureen Cox fly to Lisbon, John and Cynthia Lennon, George Harrison and Pattie Boyd fly to Hawaii, The "Incredibly Impossible to Derail This Thread" thread, Beatles Hangman (nothing to get hung about), John Lennon attends the 14 Hour Technicolour Dream, NME Poll-Winners' show: The Beatles' final UK concert, Recording, mixing: Let It Be, You Know My Name (Look Up The Number). DJs around the country stirred the pot, driving listeners to buy multiple copies of the same record, playing them backwards to detect clues and destroying them in the process (all the better for record sales). An egg man and Walrus figure into the very same song which gets the No, youre not reference, as does a quotation from the BBC King Lear, Is he dead? This is so funny to think some people believe you can pull a lookalike / soundalike Beatle out of the space where the sun dont shine and fool every sane person on the planet for 45 years. He doesnt look ALIKE; he looks relatively similar, as some people do, especially if they learn body language and some vocal habits; he does not sound ALIKE; he sounds similar in some song moments and different in others. I am not sure the Theo Adorno or whatever his name is theory is credible but I have always wondered how Michael Jackson got to buy the Beatles back catalogue when McCartney had far more money than him and far more clout in the industry by virtue of his status.

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