Bexleyheath Listed below are the stores Bourjois is currently sold in Wales The eagle-eyed among us will have noticed that the foundation is yet to return to Superdrug, but fear not: it's arriving late summer (and we have the stellar Healthy Mix Concealer to tide us over until then). The clamour surrounding the Healthy Mix foundation and concealer range is well justified, for a start. Even with no products on the shelves, an estimated 5 million people in the UK were still using Bourjois products in 2020. Brighton - Western Road Since the range was discontinued in the UK in 2019, our deep -rooted heritage of effortless Parisian beauty has continued in France and indeed worldwide. Brentwood The cult beauty brand has launched exclusively in Superdrug after being discontinued back in 2019. Lymington WebBest Cosmetics & Beauty Supply in Lynwood, CA 90262 - Joy Beauty Supply, Pink Beauty Supply & Salon, Queen Beauty Supply, Nary's Beauty Salon & Supply, Rainbow Beauty Shop now beauty & skincare make-up eyes eye shadow eye shadow category CHANEL EYE SHADOW filter by: size brand finish skin type key features format product type
Bourjois | Superdrug Discover Bourjois online at Superdrug. Shop the latest trends, offers and collect Health & Beauty points. Free standard delivery Order and Collect. Skip to Header Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer Speaking about the return, Bourjois brand director, Anne Lebourg, said: "Bourjois is overjoyed to be returning to the UK. Listed below are the stores Bourjois is currently sold in Republic of Ireland Dublin - Omni Park I walked to themore, I'll definitely be back for all my beauty supply needs.more, Anything from cosmetics to hair products. Littlehampton .general-container.goldspots-general-container color: #fff; max-width: 70%; .sdg-navbarmobile {display: none;} Taunton WebEyeshadows | Eye Makeup - Boots 10 Tuesday! The much-loved cosmetics brand was sadly discontinued in December 2019, /*@media (min-width: 578px) {