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We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. One (1) visitor permitted during overnight . Our team of specialists provides geriatric services that include: To access care, ask your primary care provider for a referral. General Visiting Hours are 9 a.m. 9 p.m., one support person permissible 24/7. Ask your primary care team for a referral. Good Samaritan Medical Center In Brockton Restricts Visitors - Yahoo News All VA health care facilities offer same-day help. Do not come if you are exhibiting any symptoms or feel ill. Except, in an emergency, go to the nearest Emergency Room. Brockton Hospital remains temporarily closed Our specialists offer reproductive health care services for women Veterans, including contraception, pregnancy care and fertility treatment. Get Directions . See All Locations. Ask your primary care or specialty provider to speak to a social worker. We provide support and assistive devices, including wheelchairs, scooters, walkersand canes, to help you preserve and increase your mobility. 10:00 a.m. Chapel Building #24 The radiologists are medical doctors who interpret the resulting images. Primary Care provides ongoing, routine medical care for patients, such as: Your primary care team also coordinates many other care and services you may receive, including: Except for medical emergencies, primary care is provided only through scheduled appointments. Patient & Visitor Information: New England Sinai Hospital | A Steward We can help you and your family manage stress-related problems due to injury or illness, and find VA and community-based resources to meet your needs, such as: If you have a spinal cord injury or disorder, our specialists provide coordinated care throughout your life. Brockton, MA 02302 . Our local suicide prevention coordinators can also connect you with ongoing counseling and services. Jamaica Plain Urgent Care Clinic, 857-364-5250 He or she will speak with your doctor about any significant findings or to learn more about you. The Women Veterans Call Center provides women Veterans information about VA services and resources, benefits and eligibility. There is no medical evaluation or treatment provided by the testing clinics. Vaginal reconstruction and incontinence surgery. Patient Hotline: 781-297-1233. You may qualify for services like training, counselingor respite care when you need a break. A support person may stay overnight in patients room. Careers. To become a participant you should: Contact us to schedule, reschedule or cancel an appointment. In order to reduce the spread of infectious disease and keep everyone safe,visitor/guest restrictions have been put in place: Thank you for your patience and partnership in ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all. If youre eligible for VA dental care, we provide dental screenings, cleanings, X-raysand fillings. Is Brockton MA rich? Our adaptive sports program helps disabled Veterans live active and healthy lives through recreation and athletics. Contact your primary care provider for a telehealth referral. please dial 45291 on a hospital phone. Honey Dew Donuts is located in the main lobby of the hospital and is open 6:00 am-11:00 pm Monday-Friday and 6:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday-Sunday.

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