Or forego four rounds and get a Marlin 336 30/30 for a bit more reach (mainly in the form of a flatter/easier trajectory). Click this image to complete your TYPE: Lever action, magazine fed CARTRIDGE: 7mm-08 Rem., .243 Win. Got to give it to the levers for quick follow up shots. Browning One Browning Place Morgan, UT 84050 800-333-3288 | 801-876-2711 . Since JavaScript is disabled, you will not be able to properly navigate, add items to your cart, or place an order. If there is a second draw back, it is the availability of early BLR magazines and the cost associated with any extra BLR magazine. The functional design of the magazines ensures that they are easily disassembled for cleaning or inspection. Thank You MGW. Caliber. 99.95 (Inc. UK VAT) 83.29 (Ex. Most were either out of stock or way over-priced. TRYBE Defense AR-15 Extended Grasp 10-Round Magazine, 5.56x45mm NATO, Polymer, Black, 106568-BLK (5) $19.99 $18.99 Save Up to $42.07. Administrative Assistant - Customer Service Representative, Oil & Battery Salesperson - Business Development Officer. ================================================================================================, BROWNING LEVER ACTION RIFLE - BLR 81 308 / 243 10 SHOT MAGAZINE. The idea I like about the BLR is the removable magazine as it's simpler to be reassured that there isn't a round in the tube. Thank you again. Join the forum. View cart for details. On some forum, in the past, I saw a post that indicated a gunsmithing outfit in the UK had made extended magazines for the .223 BLR, which is itself a rare bird. I am piecing together information for my next rifle build utilising a Browning BLR as a donor action. The early ones, including 81s use the same mag for 243, 308 and 358. Midwest Gun Works will not disassemble magazines to be sold as magazine parts. Can you get hi cap magazines for browning BLR? This was then followed by the serial number. Magazine Conversion for Browning BLR | Graybeard Outdoors There are reports of one-off custom jobs spread around the web but that's all. Browning BLR Lightweight 81 4 Round Magazine .22-250 Blued. with a standard 15-round capacity and 22+1 rounds of 10mm or 18+1 rounds of .45 ACP from the extended magazines. Please simply advise which items you are interested in, how many and your location. Browning Magazines for A Bolt, A Bolt 3, T Bolt, X Bolt, BLR, BAR, Buck Mark, Hi Power, BDA. Both easily scoped. Lucky Thirteen Products - RifleMags.co.uk Fit my .308 perfectly. I would also be interested in a higher capacity mag for the BLR. Spend less time loading and more time shooting by stockpiling these OEM magazines. 800-333-3288 | 801-876-2711. For the 308 family of cartridges, and similar. Please Note: This Lucky 13 Magazine WILL NOT FIT the "Early" Model BLR Rifles, with the "Round Bottom" Magazines. $79.54. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. L13 BLR 81 magazine capacity: nine-rounds functional against underside of closed bolt; ten-rounds loadable to magazine internal stop. Barrel Finish . - Extended length internals (where possible) to allow longer rounds with longer bullets or bullets seated out further (eg. Lucky 13 Browning BLR 81 9 round .308 .243 magazine. Please check your reply email address (all correspondence is via email ONLY).
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