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Van Tienhoven A.. Monfort S. L. Wasser S. K. Mashburn K. L. Burke M. Brewer B. 1981). Please move carefully into and out of the room. There are two mating seasons a year corresponding to births between January and February and between October and November. Companion animal care guidelines | American Veterinary Fecal Condition Scoring Resource Center These results demonstrate that mature female bush dogs differ from previously observed peripubertal females, which failed to show any signs of estrus, either behavioral or physical (i.e., changes in the vulva), until paired with a male (Porton et al. 1992; Taha et al. 2). FemaleG. moholiexhibit estrus swellings and do not have synchronized fertility. When lights are off, at regular feeding time, visually check the birth cage in the same manner. After a 121-to-124 day gestation period, females give birth to offspring weighing approximately 10 grams that have their eyes open and are furred. In a 2-year study of the bush dog (Speothos venaticus), a small canid from Central and South America, we examined the reproductive physiology of mature females and the effect of male presence on the incidence and timing of ovulation. Males appear to fall into two distinct mating strategy groups, larger and more dominant males who monopolize females with repeated matings and smaller males who are more opportunistic. Environmental enrichment provided should be appropriate to the species. Antelope Husbandry Manual: Alcelaphinae [Hartebeests and wildebeests], Lance Aubery, Randy RiechesPublished August 2001, Antelope Husbandry Manual: Reduncinae [Waterbucks and reedbucks], Gloria Kendall, Randy RiechesPublished May 1999, Antelope Husbandry Manual: Cephalophinae [Duikers], Gloria Kendall, Randy RiechesPublished January 2000, Duiker Husbandry GuidelinesFrom 2002 Bay, Black, and Red-flanked Duiker Studbook, Red-flanked duiker Husbandry Best Practices, EAZA Best Practice Guidelines for Lesser Kudu, Ian Goodwin, Jiri Hruby, Friederike von Houwald, Ulrike Rademacher, Beatrice Steck, Fabia WyssPublished 2018, Terry DeRosa, Fran Lyon, and Ann PetricPublished September 2004, EAZA Best Practice Guidelines for Burmese Brow-Antlered Deer, Dr. Matt Hartley and Ellis WallPublished 2018, EAZA Best Practice Guidelines for Tufted Deer, Janno Weerman & Wiene van de BuntePublished 2020, Martha Fischer and Steve ShurterPublished 2001, EAZA Best Practice Guidelines for Babirusa, Tim Rowlands, Amy Treanor. 1992). Performance should be monitored on a continual basis. The current standard diet for G.Moholi at the DLC: 5 grams of low glycemic vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cherry tomatoes, carrots, red cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, collards, kale, spinach, chard). Preventive medicine areas for isolation of sick animals and quarantine of newly arriving animals should be provided where appropriate. Storage time should be minimized and the manufacturer's recommendations for proper storage followed to preserve nutritional quality and prevent contamination. The comments of 2 anonymous reviewers, which improved the manuscript, are appreciated.

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