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One 8 fl oz glass of skim milk contains 2.9 mcg vitamin D. One medium orange has 70 mg vitamin C. They may be grabbing an early morning snack in lieu of breakfast or eating on their way to school. I asked him which flavor and he said any of them were fine. I'm not sure there's much difference between Pedisure and CIB except that Pediasure comes in tastier flavors. For children under two years of age, we suggest providing half the labeled serving size ( packet powder mixed with cup of milk, or bottle of Ready-To-Drink). The original bars, though, are another story. . Carnation Instant Breakfast - Mamapedia I would urge that you NOT take Slimfast while you are breastfeeding. C. N. Hi S., amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; I am in the same boat. She really isn't much of a milk drinker, so it has really helped to get her to drink more milk. I just had an Atkins Peanut Fudge Granola Bar and it totally reminded me of the Carnation Breakfast Bars which is what brought me here. Good luck. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "clickamericana-20"; I can hardly get DS to sit and eat anything in the morning so I give him one of these in the morning, or a yogurt smoothie. The fact that he throws up at the table is pretty alarming. They had a really good deal on Amazon about a month or so ago, where you got 3 big canisters of it. Rich Milk Chocolate. Fiber intake depends on age, gender, and sex. Carnation Breakfast Essentials Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Flavored Nutritional Drink. If you are concerned about sugar, use the low-sugar product, which drops the sugar content from 19g to 7g. Want to read more from HuffPost Taste? Just one delicious bar with a glass of milk makes a complete, balanced meal! However, because of its potentially cancer-causing properties, its the target of an ongoing effort to get it removed from the U.S. food supply. Best thing to start on!! Carnation Instant Breakfast -vs- Pediasure - Preemies - Inspire Can give a total of 3 times 5-10 minutes apart. Diana, how big is your LO now? Corey Fish, MD, chief medical officer at Brave Care in Portland, OR, doesnt recommend Carnation Breakfast Essentials for the majority of his patients. Do any of you have any the thoughts between the 2? Even if she says yes to something when I put it in front of her she refuses to eat it. And although the chocolate flavor has caffeine, its a small amount (less than 4mg per serving). I'd switch doctors she has not gained weight since she was about 6 months old?

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can i give my 1 year old carnation instant breakfast