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They had beer, Jack Daniels, and pretzels, An update on his Facebook page Tuesday evening says he passed away at a Las Vegas, Nevada hospital after fighting a series of complications resulting from surgery to repair a hiatal hernia. Later, she married Carman Licciardello, a contemporary Christian singer onDecember 16, 2017, in Dallas, Texas.Dana Licciardello Net WorthDana Licciardello currently has a net worth that ranges between $100k and $1 million. A trailblazer and trendsetter, his 40-year career in. Learn more about merges. He is survived by his wife of 28 years, Sally; daughter, Jean Hall.Condolences may be sent to P.O. But if Carmans star never quite secured its place at the zenith of American fame, he never let that dim his belief in his own celebrity, the awesome power of the concert-show-crusade-event, and his commitment to producing a pop spectacle for Jesus. Due to compilations of his hiatal hernia, Carman Licciardello passed away February 16, 2021 in Las Vegas. The Judges overseeing this case are Yamashita, Wesley and Barisich, Veronica M.. Dana and Carman Licciardello became husband and wife in December 2017. (Dana/Facebook). Christian singer Carman gets married at the age of 61: 'It's been a Christian showman and singer Carman Licciardello died last night due to complications from surgery, age 65. Her ex-husband, Carman Licciardello, had a net worth of $20 million at the time of his death in 2022. It took him almost 60 years, but Christian singer Carman Licciardello finally found the woman of his dreams. A must see event!, According to Carman, he was doing the same thing hed done his whole career: Im making Jesus very palatable to our American culture, I guess you can say. I thank God for blessing Carman with the gift of music, wrote one Christian on Carmans Facebook wall.

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