Defence agreed to the recommendation that total cost information be provided to relevant Defence committees, with qualification. 118The Australian Strategic Policy Institute commented: Why a savings [sic] should be claimed from a fluctuation in fuel prices is unclear. Note a:Defence, Smart BuyerDetail Design, approved 20October2016, p.1. The concept was also included in the initial Materiel Sustainment Agreements in 2005 between DMO and the Defence Service Chiefs. Further detail is provided in Appendix 4. It terminated upon the delisting of DMO. The Defence White Paper, Defence 2000Our Future Defence Force, stated that the DMO will adopt commercial best practice as its norm and assess its performance against industry benchmarks. 3.27The ANAO recommends that Defence institutes a risk-based quality assurance process to ensure the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the information included in the Defence Quarterly Performance Report. 49 of 51. TheCASG Cost Principlesapply to all procurements. Defence expects that all sustainment products will be reporting in SPMS by the end of June2017. 186Defence Portfolio Budget Statements 201516, Table 6: Capability Sustainment Programme, p. 21, available from
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