We provide different types of housing such as shelters, transitional housing facilities and permanent housing in Western Washington. Office Locations and Phone Numbers Contact Special Needs Adoption & Foster Care Gwen Pfeifer, LSW 939 East Park Drive, Suite 103 Harrisburg, PA 17111 717-564-7115 gpfeifer@cchbg.org Contact Stephanie at (616)356-6293 or sbusch@ccwestmi.org to learn more. 041, Volunteer Jessica was making the most loving decision for her baby, choosing his future family. Catholic Charities, Diocese of Des Moines remains dedicated to maintaining the records of all those placed for adoption throughout its history. At Catholic Charities, we understand that adoption is a life long process. Child Care Aware. . USA, Male William Noe Field Archives and Special Collections Center. Visit the Registry of Vital Records and Statistics to apply for a pre-adoption birth record. After his birth in May of 2022, the baby boy, who Jessica had been calling Beau, remained in the NICU for nearly a month. Former Adoptees Locations | Catholic Charities View our service locations throughout Western Washington. In an effort to honor our commitment and years of service to adoptees and families, CCSWW will continue to respond to court orders and judicial requests from outside Confidential Intermediaries (CIs). In the state of Wisconsin, adoption records must be obtained through the Adoption Records Search Program. Newark Orphan Asylum Record Books (1868-1929) Newark Public Library, Charles F. Cummings New Jersey Information Center. Adoption.com is not a licensed adoption agency or facilitator and it does not provide professional, legal or medical advice. Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services are 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organizations. info@ccmke.org. Catholic Charities of California | California's Largest Network of Trenton, NJ. A week after the baby was born, Jessica met with two couples who were waiting to adopt. Catholic Charities Pregnancy & Parenting Support team is here to help. Adoption must have beenthrough the Christ Child Home/Catholic Charities, Diocese of Des Moines orCatholic Council for Social Concern, Must be willing to participate in a one hour preparation session prior to the search, Medical & Background Information ($50.00 fee) .