Mercy by the Sea believes in the sacred nature of the individual and all of creation. Friday admits it can be hard to convince some people to turn off their phones and take time away for a community retreat. Each couple will be given their own newly renovated Married Couples Suite, with more square feet per room, brand new queen size beds, expanded and updated bathrooms, and your own quiet and relaxing seating area for two! West Texas Catholic. Popular Religiosity in Hispanic Catholic Culture - Morning of Reflection. Retreats - Eastern Point All guests are expected to bring a few Covid Test Kits with them in the event they are needed. Villa Maria del Mar is a house of hospitality for individuals and groups seeking a beautiful and serene space for prayer, planning, and healing. For more information and upcoming retreat dates, contact or visit Others join us for private retreats, giving them personal time to use our chapels, reading rooms, shrines, and grounds to get in touch with our God who is in each one of us. Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in Falls Village, Connecticut : This center in the Berkshire Mountains offers spiritual retreats inspired by Jewish traditions. Transformation can only occur when people feel safe. Five-Day Directed Retreat The Five-Day Directed Retreat includes all the essential elements of the Thirty Days, which includes silence, contemplation and spiritual direction. Justice retreats draw on a constant cycle of action and reflection that recognizes we live in a broken world and calls us to listen to where God is in ourworld.. Living as a Roman Catholic includes many wonderful beliefs, practices, and devotions; too many to catalog here. Let God reveal what God is going to reveal in and through the text for you.. But we hope to provide you with a brief overview of what we believe and how we live that belief. We offer several retreats each year on a theme that is the basis for the conferences, rituals, and liturgies. It is with much sadness that we must inform you of a decision that we, the leadership team of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary of the United States Province, have made regarding Marie Joseph Spiritual Center. Desert Days Any guest not vaccinated will be required to wear a mask while indoors. The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary consider inclusive hospitality. People deciding on a next step or those wanting space to chew on big life questions may especially benefit from a discernment retreat. Located in the Catskill Mountains two and a half hours from New York City, the Monastery of Bethlehem offers beauty, silence and solitude from its location amidst acres of forest. 5178 Japatul Spur Alpine. Silent retreat at a Benedictine hermitage located 1300 feet on a mountainside overlooking the expansive Pacific Ocean. 10 retreats to restore your soul - U.S. Catholic Cormaria, a place of gracious hospitality in Sag Harbor, New York, offers retreats and programs in spirituality and contemplative practices, including group, private, directed, and silent retreats.