After Superman's defeat, she rejoins Batman's side and acts as his mole for Gorilla Grodd's new supervillain team, the Society. 2. Catwoman also appears in the Batman: Knightfall saga, where she is approached by Bane's henchmen while robbing a house. ", Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, minor, trivial or unrelated fictional references, "IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All Time", "This Just Happened: Catwoman: Petty Thief Turned Crime Boss? But before Ivy and Selina can discuss the matter any further, Boneblaster returns and tries to once more make a name for himself by attacking Ivy, Harley and Selina. Having freed from Arkham, Bruce and Selina finally caved into their long-standing mutual attraction and became romantically involved. Catwoman also made a small cameo in Kingdom Come, mostly accompanying the Riddler; she is predominantly seen, but not much heard in the series. He couldn't finish a bag of popcorn! I felt that women were feline creatures and men were more like dogs. Thursday, March 3rd, 2022. The Joker attacks and paralyzes her, much like he does to Barbara Gordon in Batman: The Killing Joke. Selina, using a mental discipline taught to her by Talia al Ghul, avoids the interrogation and gives Ivy and Harley a fabricated story about there being multiple Batmen over the years, and that she's had a personal relationship with more than one of them. Catwoman's real name is Selina Kyle. Batman catches criminals, and Catwoman is a criminal. During the events of Batman R.I.P., Selina and Bruce's romance lasts only for a night because Bruce must continue to pose as Jezebel's lover to bring down the Black Glove. Portrayed by: The first time Batman and Catwoman meet, she is going by her real name, Selina Kyle. Catwoman has a long history in Gotham City as Batman's classic anti-heroine femme fatale, but The Batman avoided using her iconic moniker and simply referred to her as Selina Kyle. Having understandably gained a few pounds, Selina finds that her costume is now a tighter fit. [8] Conversely, she was ranked 20th on IGN's "Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All Time" list,[9] as well as 23rd in Comics Buyer's Guide's "100 Sexiest Women in Comics" list.[81]. The first Cat Girl was on the original 60s Batman TV show, years before Batman #692, where the explosion alerts Mario Falcone to his presence forcing Dick to retreat but the . Who Is Catwoman? | Batman 101 | @dckids - YouTube Though she takes her role as a new mother quite seriously, Selina dons the costume for a run through the East End some days after Helena's birth. For other uses, see Catwoman (Disambiguation). While on the run, Maggie angrily tells Selina that she ruined both of their lives the day she decided to become Catwoman. Introduced back in 1940 as the Cat, Selina Kyle rose to fame after being censored for years due to her overly sexualized portrayal and dark past. Catwoman then appears in a series of back-up stories in Detective Comics #759762 (AugustNovember 2001). "Selina Kyle" redirects here. (Image credit: DC) Batman is known as the Caped Crusader, thanks to his fanatical one-man-war on crime. Finally defeating the Film Freak, Selina returns home to find that Bradley has deduced that Helena is the daughter of his son Sam Bradley, Jr., and therefore his granddaughter (although it is still strongly hinted that Bruce Wayne may be the father). In the Justice League story arc "Crisis of Conscience", Catwoman fights alongside Batman and the Justice League against the old Secret Society of Super Villains, of which she had once briefly been a member.
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