Workforce training and sanctions failures. The investigation confirmed there had been a HIPAA Right of Access failure. Within the space of three months, the protected health information of over 7,000 patients was exposed. The fine occurred due to 23 employees breaching the privacy of a patient who gave birth to octuplets. Keeping Unsecured Records. There are two key events to consider when looking at the timeline of penalties for HIPAA violations the passage of theHITECH Actin 2009 which reversed the burden of proof for HIPAA violations, and theHIPAA Omnibus Rulein 2013 which enacted the passage of the HITECH Act making business associates liable for HIPAA violations that were their fault. Read More, OCR imposed a $2.154 million civil monetary penalty against the Miami, FL-based nonprofit academic medical system, Jackson Health System (JHS), for a slew of violations of HIPAA Privacy Rule, Security Rule, and Breach Notification Rule. He began viewing medical records of celebrities and high-profile patients including Zhou accessed UCLAs record system 323 times throughout a three week period. Read More, The Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR) imposed a $1.6 million civil monetary penalty (CMP) on Texas Health and Human Services Commission (TX HHSC) for multiple violations of HIPAA Rules discovered during the investigation of an exposed internal application containing ePHI. Patient Sues Clinician for Privacy Violation After Practice Responds to A nurse at a Texas children's hospital has been fired for violating Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Rules by posting protected health information on a social media website. This time, staff was caught reading her psychiatric evaluation not cool. The case was settled for $1,250,000. Read more, Arbour Hospital, a mental health clinic in Boston, MA, failed to provide a patient with the requested medical records within 30 days. The settlement was the result of many failures to remedy privacy and security deficiencies. Read More, Family Dental Care, P.C. Read More, OCR has announced a $5.5 million settlement had been reached with Florida-based Memorial Healthcare Systems to resolve potential Privacy Rule and Security Rule violations. During the majority of the first quarter of 2019, the media was covering what was initially thought of as a hate crime on Empire actor Jussie Smollett.
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