Glock G42 Battleworn USA Flag 380 Auto (ACP) 3.26in Cerakote Battleworn USA Flag Pistol - 6+1 Rounds - For those discerning shooters who desired the smallest GLOCK possible, the company responded with the now popular G42 in 380 AUTO with ultra-compact dimensions and easy-to-shoot characteristics. Taking on the Crossover design of the Glock 19X and the superior hard-surface finish in non-reflective black, the G45 makes the ultimate service pistol. GLOCK G45 GEN 5 AMERICAN FLAG For Sale Glocks Guns Distressed American Flag Glock 19 G4 9mm Luger 4.01in American Flag Cerakote Pistol - 15+1 We typically ship within 7 days, 2 weeks maximum if there is a delay in paper works. $649.99, Glock 17 Gen5 9mm Full-Size Pistol with Front Serrations Provides two professional field strip & cleanings per year. $12.99 Swatches are aluminum panels sprayed with Cerakote for DEMONSTRATION AND COLOR REPRESENTATION PURPOSES ONLY. Glock 45 Gen5 9mm 17-Round Pistol with US Flag Cerakote Slide View our American Flag Cerakote image collection. Pleasecontact usprior to mailing in your parts to verify there are no extra charges. Stock: Cerakote Battleworn USA Flag Sight: FT: White Dot RR: White Outline Barrel Length: 4.02 Overall Length: 6.85 Weight: 21.16 oz Capacity: 15+1 # of Mags: 3 Safety: Safe Action-3 Separate Automatic Safeties Receiver: Cerakote Battleworn USA Flag Packaging: Black Plastic Case Features: Apollo Custom Edition; Battleworn Cerakote USA Flag See more of KILO ARMS projects at along with 1,000's of other Cerakoting projects. Decrease quantity for Cerakote - Handgun - Single Color, Increase quantity for Cerakote - Handgun - Single Color. AR 15 - Mad Custom CoatingMad Custom Coating Subscribe to receive exclusive promos and discounts. $ 50.00. And compared to other lubricants, users report that it attracts less of the unwanted stuff such as dirt, dust, and other particles keeping it cleaner and functioning . Cerakote E-Series Re-finishing $75.00 Metallic Pin & Extended Controls Kit for Glocks $49.95 Home Flat Faced Basic Pyramid Trigger Cerakote Slide The finished product is well worth the wait.
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