This is your life not anyone elses! What is Emerging Adulthood | Psychological & Counseling Services Lane, J. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that young adults age 18-24 also have the highest migration rate in the U.S. During this time emerging adults test out relationships with numerous partners. Early Adulthood Why learn about development changes during early adulthood? Nothing is set in stone at this point. In the monologue known as "All the world's a stage," Shakespeare identifies what he calls "seven ages of man": And all the men and women merely players; Under IDEA, school districts are responsible for providing the supports they need to meet their goals for after high school to the best of their abilities. Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. Introduction. Alcohol binges in emerging adulthood can be triggered by a romantic breakup (and resulting trauma of rejection), loss of job (and resulting blow to self-esteem) and a variety of other traumatic events or transitions. PDF The passage to adulthood: Challenges of late adolescence Here, we again see this story of continued development in EA, where early adults engage with risk differently than adolescents, but have not yet reached the optimal level of risk taking that adults generally achieve (Brodbeck et al. Adults are able to hold higher positions and make more money. Transitions may occur during periods between two relatively stable states of human development. Dr. Gerard Rodgers PsyD CPsychol DCoP on LinkedIn: Cannabis Use in Got Transition - Youth & Young Adults - Frequently Asked Questions You made friends based on who was in your class, on your sports team or in other extracurricular activities.