Registered in England number 7033248, HCR Legal LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 596261). Yes! This is becoming increasingly significant in the light of the Valuation Office Agency (VOA)s apparent targeting of equestrian development and activities. Indeed, without a change of destination, no building permit so no official residence! Agricultural land can be used for grazing horses, but beyond this, youll need to specifically register your land for equestrian use to avoid a planning breach. There is value in land , we all know that! IT IS EXPECTED TO BRING SOME BIG CHANGES TO THE EQUESTRIAN COMMUNITY. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. In the When every square metre comes at a premium, city centre conversions often focus on packing as many rental opportunities as possible into a disused office block. Horses are thirsty animals. US Equestrian Announces Modifications to Green Hunter Can you keep a horse in your back garden UK? Although in the past there was often resistance to the equestrian use of land, as has been mentioned, policies are nowadays often permissive and broadly supportive except where they concern land in the green belt. residential Related minor changes or demolition are also allowed with prior approval. Addland makes it easy to find, research, buy and sell land. The information on this site is for informational and educational purposes only. It would be vital to verify the exact requirements of the relevant condition to ensure you do not incur additional expense and inconvenience in connection with a breeding programme which is not capable of meeting the specified requirements.. Take a look at any other nearby barn conversion projects to see what the standard of accommodation is like - because ultimately you want to minimise the cost of your conversion whilst assuring you still attract tenants. They might own a few horses and also ride for others, so require stabling for 15 horses as well as an indoor school, mange, horsewalker, canter track and so on, all to be sited in the main yard area away from the dwellinghouse. Converting Agricultural Buildings & Stables To Residential Asset-Backed Finance: what is it and how does it work? In this article, we will answer the following question: Can I convert my stables into a house?
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