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But it also makes sense because she watches over the entire birthing process from conception to birth. He was a god of the heavens and presided over the souls of those who had drowned. In Aztec religion, Tlaloc is the rain and water god and is worshiped as the one that gives life to the earth and establishes agricultural fertility. All credit was given to him if a battle was won. 1. Welsh Goddesses and Gods: List and Descriptions + How to Honor Them, Research and study the mythology, folklore, history and culture of the Aztec peoples, Study the history and modern culture in the areas of Mexico where the Aztecs once lived (and of their descendants today), Make sacred space for the deity you plan to work with, Reach out to this deity via meditation, trance work, and dream time, Embody the Aztec god or goddesss energy in a positive way, Work with the animals associated with that particular deity (i.e. The Codex Borgia depicts Chantico through an eagle foot covered in jaguar skin, a symbol of Chantico, sitting on top of a sacrificial blood-dish, alluding to warrior sacrifice. We will examine the following Aztec gods and Aztec goddesses and their characteristics. After the fourth eclipse, this would include human life for the first time in Aztec history. Fun fact: Had a three-week-long festival in which children were sacrificed to him. Tonatiuh ruled over the daytime sky, allowing the sun to come up in the east and go under in the west. Despite such associations, no colonial sources explicitly link Chantico to the Aztec deity Coyolxauhqui. Goddess of lust, carnality, sexual misdeeds. He is the protector of traveling businessmen and merchants, but also guards travelers in general. Who Is Goddess Chantico? | Encyclopedia of Goddesses - Kiran Atma She is also depicted with a series of small disks that wrap around her head. If you wish to use our material in your essay, book, article, website or project, please consult our permissions page. Eduard Seler recognized that iconographic elements associated with Chantico, such as itzcactli ("obsidian sandals") and a golden pendant related to a solar picture, were present in the Coyolxauhqui-Chantico monument. Best Cheap M4A1-S Skins in CSGO: Under $10 - Playing History

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