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Rachel Zaslow, J.D. In 2007, he organized and served as CEO of Southern Bank & Trust, a de-novo bank in Aiken, S.C. Keep up with ourlatest news, events, & activities, Read the latest insights on markettrends from our portfolio managers, Take the next step. Erin Pierce Service Thats Second To None, April Huf Unlimited Resources For Loan Officers. Rich people have tried to make it their residence and do business there, said Jack Blum, a Washington lawyer who has led corruption investigations for several Senate committees. The will lists Darren K. Indyke and Richard D. Kahn, two longtime associates, as executors. He also has additional education in trust administration from a Cannon Financial Institute. Former Executive Vice Chairman, MBNA Corporation (MBNA). Southern Health Trust admitted responsibility over the . - JERRY FLOWERS, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER . Drew Covert - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer - Southern Our records show it was established in 1996 and incorporated in TN. Here are further demographic highlights of the leadership team: The Southern Bank and Trust Company executive team is 53% female and 47% male. With our advanced security, multiple users can be established with unique . Dr. Zuber is the first woman to lead a science department at MIT and the first woman to lead a NASA planetary mission. Member (and prior Chairman) of the World Economic Forums International Business Council (Chair of Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics Initiative), Chairman of the Board of The U.S. Council on Competitiveness, Former Member (and prior President) of the Federal Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve Board, Chair of the Sustainable Markets Initiative, Member of Board of Fellows of Brown University (Chair of the Watson Institute Board of Governors), Member of Advisory Council of Smithsonians National Museum of African American History and Culture, Member of Charlotte Executive Leadership Council, Chairman of Massachusetts Competitive Partnership, Served as Senior Vice President and Treasurer of Pepsi, a leading global food, snack, and beverage company, from 2001 to May 2009, and as Chief Financial Officer of The Pepsi Bottling Group and Controller of Pepsi, Served as Senior Vice President, Strategy and Business Development at RJR Nabisco, Inc. from 1998 to 1999, Held various senior financial roles at the Pillsbury division of Diageo plc, including Chief Financial Officer of its Pillsbury North America, Pillsbury Foodservice, and Hagen-Dazs divisions, and also served as Controller and Vice President of Internal Audit of the Pillsbury Company, Served as Lead Director of the Board of Directors of Reynolds American, Inc. from January 2017 to July 2017 and as a Board member from September 2007 to July 2017, Served as a member of the Board of Directors of American Electric Power Company, Inc., chair of its Audit Committee, member of its Directors and Corporate Governance, Policy, Executive, and Finance Committees, Member of the Board of Directors of Ecolab Inc. and its Audit Committee and Finance Committee, Member of the Board of Directors of Textron Inc. and Chair of its Audit Committee.

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