Fiction Hardbacks: $1; Fiction Softcovers: $0.50; Children's Books: $0.25; Specialty Items: Price as Marked; Hours. How can gaps in access to benefits of science and technology be bridged? Moving to a new school is always challenging, but Piper finds this move extra tricky because she's starting at the same fancy private school where her dad works. They, too, focus on change, but to them change is much more the natural evolution of things. When a friend moves away, it can feel like nothing but goodbyes. Todays social, cultural, economic and civic issues demand that students apply knowledge, skills, and understandings as they address questions such as: Why do people decide to live where they do or move to other places? Young learners can explore concepts of likenesses and differences among cultural groups through school subjects such as language arts, mathematics, science, music, and art. They learn to analyze specific aspects of culture, such as language and beliefs, and the influence of culture on human behavior. Documents cover the "flappers," changing trends in women's fashion, the specific experiences of Black women (to showcase the racial disparity in the experiences of women . Under what circumstances is the exercise of political power legitimate? (All ages) SKYSCRAPER GOING UP! ), By This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. These resources are a great way to make your 2nd Grade Social Studies classes fun and interesting. please confirm that you agree to abide by our usage policies. . World trade has expanded and technology has removed or lowered many barriers, bringing far-flung cultures, institutions, and systems together. Teachers' pick. Middle, left: Ridhay and his mother pray to the Indian deities in their prayer room in their home. How are individual rights protected and challenged within the context of majority rule? There are no better guides for us in this transitional month than books, of course. After visiting an elementary school, a man named Tony Hillery springs into action. Individuals, Groups, and Institutions - Social Studies Resource File As they move from the middle grades to high school, students continue to think analytically about the consequences of change and how we can manage science and technology to increase benefits to all. The Water Princess, by Susan Verde and Peter Reynolds (shared by @hereweeread) "It's a very touching and moving story that not only educates children about a serious and ongoing issue, but also shows them how they can make a difference.".